Good question。
… Hello? Forgiveness? … Serena heard a man say with a French accent。 She erased the
cigarette with the soles of sandals and stood up。 A man using a shirt Isle of Ia Paix was
stopped at the foot of the staircase of the deck; holding a huge bouquet of flowers tropical
rare。 … ?a eest pour vous;
mademoiselle … he announced; bringing the flowers up and deliver them to Serena。
My God。 Will Flow were spies or something? How did he find?
Serena took the flowers and smell。
… Thank you。
… No problem … he replied。 He was almost turning around when Blair opened the screen door of
the village and went to the deck。
… It is better that my mother has an account on the bar she said Serena even before
realizing the c。ara。Blair was using a take…it…fall of Jersey beige silk which was almost the
same color of your tan Lanc?me。 By far; it seemed that was pletely naked。 Feet had
a pair of red rubber sandals she had bought at the drugstore; and she put a fake diamond
ring in the left big toe; trying a new visual garbage…wealthy。 She saw the face of the
resort looking for her。 … Yes? … Asked。 … Parlez…vous anglais?
The man seemed embarrassed。
… Sorry。 I just wanted to say 〃wele〃 the two most beautiful girls on the island。
Fortunately; his accent was very sensual。 It was the only way he can get out of saying
something pletely brega。
… Thank you。 See you later … Blair said; with him。
… Enjoy the flowers; mademoiselle … said the man; seat for Serena。 Then he laughed again and
went to Blair。
Blair penteou the hair with your fingers and espiou the sea。 I was getting kind of boring
lead singing of every man who passed by。
Serena put the flowers on the table of rattan in the middle of the deck。
… Who are they? … Asked Blair。
Serena has to shoulder。
… Do not think you should ask。
Blair went to the table and got the card in a glass vase square where the flowers were。
… 〃Have wonderful holiday and did not stress too much with the wedding plans〃; read it
aloud。 … 〃Love; your dear friends K and L〃
Blair and Serena is looked and exploded in laughter。
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...