helicopter; and she would have shot over the path; up until then that the couple were just a
tip in the middle of the grid of Manhattan。 But she had no helicopter; then would have to be
creative in the assembly。 Best of all was that she had not given a full zoom on the face of
the couple; then they could be anyone of any age … you with your boyfriend or your
grandmother with her boyfriend。 It was pure poetry; rough and beautiful。 She could barely
wait to show Dan
Wait。 Will it do so before or after to show him what it has under the collar rulê black wool
skirt and black?
Ia isla bonita
The Isle of IaPaix resort on the island of St。 Barts; it was the kind of place where are the
celebrities who want to hide the women and middle…aged society in New York who want to and
recover from a plastic surgery。 Unless someone is or know someone; you can not stay there。
But by coincidence Cyrus Rose; the stepfather of Blair; had a builder who had done the
resort; and so the three villages that he and Blair reserved for mother of the family were
the best of all。 The village of Blair and Serena had a deck surrounding the house which
could see the resorts pool; where women over forty years with surgically enhanced breasts
and thighs surgically reduced lie in hammocks using sunglasses and huge loop without JEANS ;
pretending to read magazines while taking a French fashion drunk with rum punch in the
One of the women had a small Bichon emphasizes; and even the dog was wearing sunglasses。
Across the deck; they could see the stretch of perfect white sand beach; where women were
taking more new sun of topless and men velejavam lightly in the windsurfing boards;
pretending not to see。 The sea was so clear and in a tone of blue…green that seemed so
perfect false。
Serena is seated on the porch; smoking a Gitane and browsing the French Elle; hoping that
Blair got it before finding the other in the dining room for a late lunch。 She had washed
her hair; which fell on the shoulders and naked on the back of his top yellow Diane von
Furstenberg。 After the bath; she became one of self tanning lotion Lanc?me throughout the
body and the skin had acquired a healthy golden brown。 The tiny mini…skirt of denim
Agnes B。 poorly covered the thighs; and feet were a pair of sandals from strips of white
leather encrusted crystals。
Near the grade of the deck; a hummingbird sugava the pollen of a hibiscus; a flower adejando
the other。 Serena wondered why was not a single flower; and take a good long drink and
instead of getting it moving much。
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...