


Poor Nate; arrested in Maine full of snow and cold。 Yesterday was Christmas; and he probably

spent all day watching old movies with parents; from time to time looking at the snow and

wondering when it would hear her voice again。 Jenny is not mattered not to talk to him on

the phone … this forced separation was only letting his love much stronger … but still had

to do something to show that Nate loved and believed in him but as ever。 And that is why she

decided to send a package of memories for him。

First she found an old box of Nike shoes; she took the sheet of tin。 Then put a copy in

booklet of Romeo and Juliet; from Shakespeare; in the box。 The suffering of the tragic

lovers in the play was very similar to them: they were deeply in love and were forbidden to

see; and yet won the love at the end。 It is clear that she and Nate would not die; as Romeo

and Juliet。 They casariam; would have a large family and grandchildren to tell stories about

how they met in the park on a sunny day of autumn when the forces of the universe were

perfectly aligned。

Then Jenny added a package of two tin of blueberry Pop…Tarts to the box。 They were his

favorite food; but rarely ate; because I had too much calories and no nutritional value。 But

she liked the idea of eating something that Nate loved her and miss her。

Jenny then put a picture of her that Dan had taken the previous summer。 She wore a

sleeveless yellow dress and was standing on the edge of a pool of a hotel in Hershey;

Pennsylvania; where the Rufus had taken to spend a weekend。 Jenny liked were brilliant with

their hair in the photo; and how the arms bronzeados cover the sides of the breasts in a way

that could not be said that were so large。

Then she put the program to break the nuts he had saved。 Jenny wanted Nate knew that;

starting with The Break walnuts; that day was the most wonderful of her life; the day that

they said they loved it。

Finally she cut a fuse of thick hair; tied with a red ribbon and placed inside the box。

Seemed a little strange with all the other things; as a memento of a dead or something; but

she wanted Nate felt that she was well next to it and this seemed the best way。

With the increase of the fuse of hair; a box of memories seemed plete。 Then she closed

the box and held the lid with adhesive tape。 After the embrulhou with pages of magazines for

teenagers who were spread throughout the room; careful not to include any page with ads for

absorbent constraining intimate; contraceptive pills or drugs for mycoses。 Finally she

pasted a Post…it yellow and carefully wrote the address of Nate in Maine; which she had

placed on the agenda with the addresses of all other houses of his family in Montauk; Nice;

Barbados and St。 Anton;












赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...





