engaged is pletely false。 The real reason for her to go to St。 Barts was to find a dealer
for it to bring a full load of things to sell。 But everyone should know that。
… Insider
A: Hi; insider;
You must be right。 I heard that she is thinking of drop…in spree in New Year too。 But do not
forget; she still has to pass through the airport security。
… GG
Q: Dear Gossip Girl;
I have a house in Mt Desert; Maine; and met some friends there to do even tobogganing N。 I
thought he had a girlfriend but he was unlucky all the girls there until he and I was so
stoned that I did not want to go by car with him to tobogganing。
… Pumpkim
A: Dude pumpikin;
It seems that N is seeking his soul mate。 He can do me when you want tobogganing。
B and S JKF of taking a taxi to Fifth Avenue; looking tan and wonderfully happy for being at
home。 K and I met again at Williams Sonoma in Madison; checking to see if S and Flow had
registered the list of marriage。 A man with a curvy shirt the team of Isle de la Paix
returning a large blue and green parrot to a pet shop in Gustave。
One last wish
So I had achieved all my list of Christmas; until my orange Hermes Birkin bag。 I know you
think I am mimada; but I deserve it。 What we still can not; because still missing six days;
is a New Years Eve; which transformed his life。 Lets hope that S gives even a party; and
who knows … may even appear Flow!
See you at midnight!
For you who love me;
gossip girl
prisoner of the tower
Stuck in a house with nothing to do except read and daydream; Jenny felt a Rapunzel; but
with shorter hair and bigger breasts。 She kept the white satin thong from the bottom drawer
of underwear until the next time we saw Nate。 The New Years Eve; was not far away and maybe
she had not expected so much。 Basically she hoped that he was very miss her; which returned
to Maine and if esgueirasse in her room in the middle of the night by a fire ladder。 Imagine
that it would again kept busy for hours。
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...