and rearrange the list of words he had written to the Office for blocking writer; and now
trying to mount them in some order to the poem 〃Putas〃。
Piranha; slave; scraped; black; ine; ice; cold; rain; crying; handkerchief; sleep;
coffee; stain; guilt 。。。
It would be very mad poem; of course; but was not about being angry。 It was about
discovering that the person you love is not who you thought they were。 Jenny was not the
sweet and innocent sister that he thought; and Vanessa was a voyeur who wore panties of a
bitch and take advantage of the moments of intimacy of people to draw attention。
He began to use words from the list; adding the occasional verb or adjective to embellish
the text。
Clean the sleep from my eyes with a handkerchief and serve another cup。
I see that you tried to tell me all the time;
Shaving the head and showing me (very delicately)
With satin and ine:
You are a slut。
Dan liked the righteousness of what he had written and his energy。 He continued writing;
reinvigorated by the sense of filling a sheet of paper again。 After I finish; I would send
by e…mail to Vanessa。 Writing the poem was the only way he knew to deal with what I had; and
send it to Vanessa was the only way he knew to say to her。
V is a way to apologize
Ruby stuck his head in the room of Vanessa。 Emborrachada was wearing a black jacket; jeans
and black shoes with pointed needle jump。 He had cut his hair and shave with the blade he
was supercurto。
… Some mail? … Ruby asked。
Vanessa shook her head。 His parents were traveling through Europe; a tour of some of art
fair; and had not warrant or a postcard。
… Phone calls? Scraps?
Vanessa shook his head again。
… Any chance of you e with me? Ruby…proposed。 … You should be on vacation; you know。
Vanessa has the shoulders of new and closed his jacket hood up to the chin。 Was still angry
with her sister by borrowing the camera without asking her; and still did not want to do
anything except talk to Dan She did not speak with Dan since he got out of his house on
Friday … the longer it has been without talking since that became friends years before。 She
wanted to explain everything to him; the entire disaster on the link in the Web was just a
terrible accident and Vanessa just bought the Victorias Secret lingerie because he thought
that would help to relax and have fun。 I tell you they were friends long enough to get angry
with each other and that jetio to apologize a million different ways。 But she hoped that in
the background to know Dan well enough to imagine that she would never put a film exploring
the site his sister like that。 And she hoped the fund that he understood that there was
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...