


Barbados and St。 Anton; just to ensure。

After pasting the box twenty stamps which had surrupiado the desk of her father; Jenny took

the package to the kitchen and opened the back door to leave it to the postman。 It was great

live in a building as the old her。 There was no mailbox on the ground floor; so the postman

used the service elevator and the mail delivered directly to the back door。 She placed the

box on the floor; beneath the small shelf where the postman raised the match; and made a

frown at her; asking whether it should perhaps open it again and include the thong so that

the box was a little more sexy。 Thinking better; it seemed half of piranha。 Furthermore;

Nate had given him the thong of Christmas。 If sent back; Nate could not believe that she had


Dan appeared in the kitchen and saw Jenny standing in the back door。

… What are you doing? … He asked; suspicious。 His father had asked to Dan to keep an eye on

Jenny and he was taking the task seriously。

Jenny closed the door。

… Just seeing if you have mail。 … She turned and looked at Dan semicerrados eyes。 The hair

of him was blurry and he wore the same white shirt stained coffee two days ago。 … Youre


Dan put instant coffee in the cup and opened the tap of hot water until it is hot enough to

dissolve the crystals。 He filled the cup and drank a sip。

… I am working on a poem … he said; as if that explained everything。

Jenny opened the refrigerator; would get a can of yogurt DANNON of coffee; and then withdrew

his hand and closed the door of the refrigerator with a thud。 The last thing I wanted was to

see Nate before fat again。

Dan blew the cup; watching it。

… You know that Vanessa was right? … Said he impassive。 … Who filmed both in the park?

Jenny turned; pulling down the bra where he had risen between the breasts。 She never came

back to the site since Dan saw on the puter; and never went through her head trying to

deduce who had done that。 Vanessa The idea of putting the film on the site seemed absolutely


… How do you know? … Jenny asked。

Dan has to shoulder。

… See the movie。 It has to be the Vanessa。

Jenny crossed his arms。

… Id rather not see。 In any event; so it was she? … Jenny worked with Vanessa in rancor;

the journal of the arts students of Constance Billard; and they have always been good。 If

Vanessa had shot Nate and Jenny in the park; probably had a perfectly good explanation for

the cause of this and have done a perfectly good explanation for how the movie ended up on


… Just thought you wanted to know; just that。 … Said Dan and returned to his room。 I store






赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...











