uated from; the post graduate program of the CPC Central mittee Party School。 In September 2003; he concurrently took the position of vice director of the Propaganda Department of Tianjin Municipal CPC Party mittee。 Standing member of China Journalist Association; vice chairman of Tianjin Journalist Association; president of National Newspapers Self…publication Association; vice president of China News Photography Society; president of Tianjin News Photography Society; visiting research fellow of International Circulation Research Center of Tsinghua University; PhD supervisor of China Mass Media University; visiting professor of the Institute of Literature; Nankai University; MBA visiting professor of Tianjin Institute of Finance and Economics; winner of national good news and China news prizes I; II and III for many times; winner of Tianjin good news prize I for a dozen of times; winner of national prizes of essays and reportages; winner of the top prize of Chinese news circles – Second Fan Changjiang News Prize。;;;;; Collections of Creative Works Published Works: “Devil Market” (Sanlian Publishing House); “The Masses Breaking Through an Encirclement” (Tianjin People’s Press); “Concept is not a Square” (Sanlian Publishing House); “Memorial Writing” (Baihua Artistic Press; winning the prize of national ten best collections of essays); “Flow of Chinese Mood” (Tianjin People’s Press); “Mother; Years Gone” (Writers’ Press); “Fables at Age of 40” (Shidai Press); “Era of Creative Concept on News” (Wenhui Press); “Era of Media Operation” (Wenhui Press); “Moved by the Ease of History” (Wenhui Press); etc。 Main Works: “Ways of 100 Journalists in a Century”; “March with Songs of Victory in 80 Years”; “Half a Century’s Brilliance” (essays finely selected from Art Weekly); “1999…2000 Brilliant Planning of Tianjin Daily”; “City Details; Words and Deeds – Tianjin 600”; “Legend of Mass Media Era”; etc。
* 全球化背景带来的是信息全球化,没有防火墙,带来的是共同的语境,带来的是世界正在走向融合。现在不是我要吃掉你,你要吃掉我,尤其从信息上讲是你要渗透我,我要渗透你,你拥有我,我拥有你。我们的纸还是不是权威纸,信息还是不是有效信息。现在的媒体已经发生从吸引力到控制力的巨变,大家要特别关注全球化问题。
* 保持报纸的先进性首先要保持的是内容的先进性,准确地描述社会生活变化,提供这些变化的背景分析,突出这些变化中具有历史意义的细节,倡导先进的公义理念,代言最大多数人的利益。
* 本土化的战略是最可取的起步区,区域品牌的覆盖和扩张将是我们与竞争对手短兵相接的主要战场。对境外媒体随着WTO的进入,区域化和本土化是我们的基础所在,是我们保持固有竞争优势的第一选择。
* 新闻已经进入了完全的策划时代,在策划当中已经完成了重新的原创和包装,第一时间的新闻固然重要,但是背景、细节和全过程策划已经成为现在新闻的特点。
* 从“媒体经营”到“经营媒体”经历了三个阶段:跑马圈地阶段、硬件建设阶段,和在发行上从体制到终端形成突破的阶段。
* 现在经营和以往有所不同,需要发挥想象力和创造力,重新组合资源,在新的资源配置和利益整合中,寻找更强大的运营能力和市场空间,实现利润最大化。
* 坚持正确导向,投身市场竞争,带出一流队伍,办出大报风格,这是一个总的目标,或叫总体思路。近期的目标是以图片带版面,以版面带新闻,以新闻带记者,以记者带队伍。那么对中层干部、主任、编委会成员,包括我在内、副总编辑在内,也有三句话的目标:指挥前移、作风深入、工作艰苦。
* 《天津日报》是机关报,时政新闻当然要摆在第一位。任何时候,时政新闻权威优势、特色优势都不能失去,其实这也是我们最大的优势和卖点。我总讲要把优良的政治资源和市场资源对接起来,天津日报的权威优势怎样表达呢?要从要闻开始。
* 言论体现我们的态度和声音,不能越过市委的思路,另来一套思路不行,但写法、语境、形式是可以创新的。
* 一定要突出人物,强化人物。整个报纸有态度,有声音,有表情。这个表情除了形式以外,版式风格以外,就是突出人物,就是人物命运、人物心声、人物动态构筑的那种表情。
* 平面媒体的最大优势是新闻深读,新闻进入了一种深读时代。就是你提供新闻,提供新闻的同时还着重提供新闻的背景,提供细节,提供分析,提供权威的声音,提供本报的立场。这是我们平面媒体和电子媒体可以竞争的一个方面。
* 《每日新报》必须保持信息的纯度。要特别强调新闻质量,新闻的有用性。要树立鲜明的《每日新报》个性。数字化时代与工业文明、农业文明的区别在于规模化和个性张扬,而后者(个性张扬)是这个数字化时代最为鲜明的特点,这种变化不仅要改变我们的生活结构、价值观念,而且,它很可能改变我们的哲学思维。
* 那么一张报呢,一个企业呢,它也是品格的较量。保持一种什么精神、一种什么作风,一个团队、一张报纸体现一种什么风气、保持一种什么文化素养,综合起来就是品格。说简单点,就是正气。要让人感觉到这是一张充满正气的报纸,一支充满正气的团队。
* “###”的根本利益是人们群众,要站在老百姓的立场上。这件事我说的很严肃,你这个舆论监督千万公正,跟广告无关,跟关系无关,公正的站在老百姓的立场上,监督那些不公的事,“路见不平一声吼”,千万把握公正这个原则,代表老百姓,代表市民,做舆论监督的人要水平高、品质好、政治敏感性强。
* 前卫性的灵魂是个性化,什么叫个性?个性就是风格。什么叫风格?风格不是从第一期开始从第一版开始就一成不变。个性和风格的生命力就在于创新,不断地求变。真正办一份很前卫的报纸,从个性上、从风格上、从报纸的总体感觉上都要创新,要不断地创新。
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;;The background of globalization leads to information globalization without fire wall。 It brings about mon language environment and mergence of the world。 Now the situation is that either I eat up you or you eat up me; especially in information; either you infiltrate me or I infiltrate you; either you possess me or I possess you。 Are our newspapers still authoritative? It the information still effective? Big changes have occurred in mass media from attraction to control force。 All of us should pay attention to globalization。
;;To keep the advanced nature of newspapers; it is important to keep the advanced nature in contents first; accurately describe the social and living change; give analysis on the background of the changes; highlight the details of the historical significance of these changes; advocate advanced idea of fairness and justice; and speak for the interests of the majority people。; ;;The localization strategy is the most acceptable start region。 The coverage and expansion of regional brand will be the main arena of warfare on which we engage with our petitors in hand…to…hand fight。 Following the entering of foreign mass media after China has entered WTO; the regionalization and localization are the basis we are on; and our first choice to keep our innate petitive superiority。 ;;News has entered an era of plete planning; in which the renewal of the original creation and packing have been pleted。 Though the first…time news is very important; the background; details and entire process planning have now bee the characteristics of the news。 ;;We have experienced three stages in development from “media operation” to “running media”: the stage of racing the horse in field enclosure; the stage of hardware construction; and the stage of breakthrough in both mechanism to terminals。 ;;The present operation is different from that in the past。 It requires giving play to imagination and creation。 We should reorganize resources and achieve maximization of profits through integrating new resources configuration and interests; and seeking stronger operating capacity and market space。 ;;Adhere to the right orientation; engage ourselves in market petition; foster a rank of first rate; and run a big newspaper with characteristic style; which are the general goal or overall train of thoughts。 The goal of the near future is to drive the pages with pictures; drive the news with pages; and drive the journalists with news。 We (mid…level cadres; directors; pilation mittee members; editor…in…chief and deputy editor…in…chiefs) have a three…phrase goal: mand forward shifting; penetrating style; and working hard。; ;; “Tianjin Daily” is a newspaper of the party organization。 The news of current events and political situation should certainly be put in the first place。 At any time; we should never lose the authoritative and characteristic superiority in the news of political situation and current events。 In fact they are the biggest superiority and sell…point of this newspaper。 I always stress the interconnection of excellent political resources and market resources。 How can we express the authoritative superiority of Tianjin Daily? Begin with important news。 ;;Our opinions should give expression of our attitude and voice。 They cannot go beyond the train of thoughts of the municipal CPC mittee。 It is impossible to seek for another train of thoughts。 However; the method of writing; linguistic context; and form can be created。 ;;We must put focus on figures and intensify them。 The whole newspaper should have its own attitude; voice and expression。 Aside from form and page style; focus should be given to figures; ; the fate and inner voice of the figures; and the expression formed by the development of figures。; ;;The maximum superiority of the plane media is the deep reading of news。 The news has entered the era of deep reading。 That is; in providing news; we should also provide important background; details and analysis of the news; the voice of authorities; and the position of this newspaper。 This is one aspect in which our plane media carries out petition with the electronic media。; ;; “Morning Post” must keep the purity of information; and put special stress on news quality and usability。 We should build up the bright characteristics of the “Morning Post”。 The digitalized era differs from industrial civilization and agricultural civilization in scale and publicity of individual characters; and the latter (publicity of individual characters) is the brightest feature of this digitalized era。 This change leads to the changes not only in life structure and value system; but also in philosophic thinking。 ;;For a newspaper and an enterprise; it is also the contest of characters。 A style; a team; a social moral presented by the newspaper; and a cultural attainment to keep are prehensively called characters; which can be briefed as the healthy atmosphere。 We should let people feel that it is a newspaper full of healthy atmosphere and it is a team full of moral spirits。;;The basic interests of the “three representatives” are the masses of people;s; as viewed on the standpoint of the mon people。 This is a serious problem。 The supervision of social opinions must be square and fair。 It has nothing to do with advertisement and relationship。 We should stand on the position of the mon people and put strict supervision over the things unfair。 “Give out a loud roar; seeing injustice on the road”。 Be sure to handle the principle of fairness and justice; and represent the interests of mon people and citizens。 The supervisors of social opinions must be of high level; good quality; and strong political sensibility。; ;;The soul of vanguard is individualization。 What is individualization? It is style。 What is style? Style is unchangeable ever from the first edition and from the first page。 The vitality of individual characters and style lies in cre