seemed so perfect when she was with Nate。 They were
and corner of the pieces of a puzzle; it is perfectly fit and; when they were together;
everything made sense。
That was why more was not any sense that she was lying naked on a bed in charge of a hotel
on an island in the middle of the Carib while a naked Miles lambia your feet and Nate was in
the freezing cold of Maine all alone; possibly; so it expected; considering it。
Blair took the thumb from the mouth of Miles and rolled on the bed。 Miles plunged his head
under the water。
…。 What is the problem?
… I have to go … she said without even looking at him。 She Agache; looking for the dress;
but it was dark and had so much crap on the floor that could not find her。
Miles was hanging on the edge of the bed; seeing it as a drum your fingers on the legs。
…。… I was trying to go easy。
We know that。
Blair ignored the。
… Where。 is the fucking my dress? … She muttered。
Suddenly the light is lit and the dress has bee very visible in a heap on the floor at
the foot of the bed。 Aaron was in the doorway; but instead to apologize quickly and leave
the room as a half…brother to do it consistently and Blair continued to face。
The principle Blair was pletely embarrassed。 Two seconds after the embarrassment had
turned into anger。 How dare he? How dare to look at it like that? He was a hell of his
Aaron knew that should turn around and leave them alone; but your feet are not fun。 Miles is
lowered and got the pink dress from Blair down to his feet。
… Man … he said to Aaron; throwing the dress for her。 Blair pulled the dress on by the head
and marched to the door。
… What is your problem? … Ping it collides with Aaron when he left。
Not that she really wanted to know。
The town that Blair and Serena was divided to only six feet away … was not far enough; in
which concerned Blair。 She became the villages and taken to the beach; and when your feet
stepped on the sand; she began to run。 Blair
did not care to be missioned especially the pink dress at Calypso and have paid about
150 more for it。 She ran as quickly as he could until the water and threw it in the waves;
ruining the dress。 Taking a big gush of air; she sank; impelling the body forward with the
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...