… It is not fun? … Said Eleanor; resplendent。
Had eaten the whole plate of fish; sweet potatoes with caviar and garlic…holds; and was
already attacking the warm chocolate mousse。
It was so nice to see that the children were having fun。 She was imported or that cute
friend of Blair and Aaron had not returned to eat。
Aaron has a face for your plate of spinach and garlic seared and cold…put to steam。
Tyler took the fishs head and shot in the air like a torpedo to Aaron。
_ Beware! … He shouted。 … Flying Fish!
_ Waldorf Rose Tyler! … Ping Eleanor。
Aaron hit in the hand of Tyler and mutilated fish head fell on his plate。 He blinked。
_ All right; Im not even hungry。
Serena did not know that Aaron was in a bad mood so great; but I wanted to help。
_ Here … offered her; thinking that he should be hungry。
She took one of his sweet potatoes; and started to tap it with the napkin。 … You can eat
that if I clean all the caviar?
She was so busy preparing the potato that neither Aaron realized that the band had made a
break and Flow was ing toward you。
_ Serena? … Called him; ing behind her。 Serena looked at him。 Flow was wearing a black
shirt and collar regatta shark tooth; and your neck and shoulders stavam of slippery sweat。
The dark hair
fell on the eyes; the cheeks glowed like bronze olide and blue eyes flashing adrenaline。
Serena has the potato Aaron; took the fork and put a edacity fish in its mouth。
_ Hi … said it lively; with your mouth full。
Flow looked to Eleanor and Cyrus。
… Hello … he said。
… I would sit down; son? … Cyrus offered。 … Must star exhausted。 You were fantastic there。
Fantastic。 As if he wanted anything to rock。
Flow shook his head。
… Thanks; but I have to go back in a second。 … He turned to Serena again; the furrowed face
of fervor。 Like the music?
She laughed and gave garfada other fish。 Had not seen the dancing crazy done there?
… Yeah; you guys are great。 You are great。
Flow seemed relieved。
… Good。 All right。 Well; lets play some more songs and then I was thinking of paying you a
drink or something; and maybe give you the Christmas present。