



q: Dear Gossip Girl;

It’s the first time I’m going to see my ex since we both left for college。 I have a new boyfriend now; but he’s not in town; and I’m worried what will happen when it’s just me; my ex; and the countdown to New Year’s。 What should I do?


a: Dear K;

While I don’t condone cheating; as they say; should auld acquaintance be forgot。 Which I interpret to mean that special pardons exist for that New Year’s Eve kiss。 Good luck。


the final countdown

It’s already late afternoon and I still have to take a nap before slipping into my don’t…you…wish…you…knew…where…it…was…from frock。 And while I have my beauty sleep; I suggest you do the same。 After all; who knows where and when (and with whom) you’ll find yourself in bed tonight。

You know you love me;

gossip girl

double…booking NYE is never a good idea

Serena crowded into the elevator of Thaddeus Smith’s loft behind Amanda; Alysia; and Alison。 She’d invited Blair; but Blair had declined; saying she’d just meet her at Chuck’s later。 Serena hoped Blair didn’t think she was lame for stopping by an industry party; but she’d promised Thad she would。

“Oh my God; Serena; you should date Thaddeus! His building is soooo pretty!” Alysia enthused in between hiccups。 Thaddeus lived in a top…floor triplex in an all…pink eight…unit Julian Schnabel building that overlooked the Hudson River。

“I don’t think we’d be good together。” Serena giggled。 Because he’s totally gay; she wanted to add。 Serena had found this out the hard way last summer; when Thad was her costar in Breakfast at Fred’s。 She’d thought he liked her—until she’d met his boyfriend; Serge; and realized Thad had been flirting with her to cover up his real relationship。 It was disappointing; but she’d gotten over it quickly。 Now; she wasn’t about to out Thad。 He’d e out when he was ready。

Even though the news would make so many boys’ dreams e true。

“Oh my God; I heard Brad and Angelina are going to be here; and that Brett Ratner will be too and is looking for a lead for his next film。 Do you think I look too skanky?” Alysia asked; examining her red marabou feather dress in the elevator mirror。 She looked like an aging Vegas showgirl。

“No; you look great;” Serena lied。 The theme of the party was Heaven and Hell。 Serena hadn’t really planned on dressing up; but at the last moment; and at Blair’s urging; she’d decided to wear a short white Calypso sundress that was technically a bikini cover…up; a black garter on her perfectly toned leg; and a headband that had little Swarovski crystal devil horns。 The entire look was fun…sexy; unlike Amanda’s custom…made angel wings or Alysia’s feathered dress。

“You want?” Alysia asked tipsily; passing Serena a silver Tiffany flask。 She hiccupped again。

“Alysia; I swear to God; if you embarrass me in front of any agents; I’m going to tell everyone you starred in a fat camp mercial when you were twelve;” Amanda said haughtily; elbowing Alison in the ribs。

Serena laughed; remembering all the mini fights she and Blair had had in elevators on the way to parties over the years。 It all seemed so long ago。

Does that mean it’s time for a rematch?

The elevator doors slid open to reveal the living room of Thaddeus’s apartment。 It was an enormous; loftlike space; with floor…to…ceiling windows that looked out onto the inky black Hudson River below。 The space was already crowded with scantily clad girls in red and white; and guys in jeans and white button…downs or red T…shirts。 The air felt twenty degrees hotter than in the elevator。

“Serena; baby!” Ira Green; the producer of Coffee at the Palace; greeted her; slapping his fleshy palm against her bare back。 “I noticed your boyfriend was here。 Great career move。” Ira nodded importantly。

“My boyfriend?” Serena asked in confusion; glancing around the crowded room。

“Breckin O’Dell? Says in Page Six you’ve been canoodling。” Ira grabbed a glass of champagne off the tray of a passing server clad in a white bikini and red stilettos。 “Look; I’m all for it; but I don’t want you to get exclusive。 Not good for pre…film buzz。 In fact; I’d love for you to really spend the evening mingling。 I’ve got a couple of my own friends who’d love to meet you。”

“I’d like to meet them;” Amanda piped up; sticking her hand out for Ira to shake。 Serena took that moment to gracefully duck away; weaving between party guests toward the bar set up in the corner。 She usually loved parties; but right now; all she wanted to do was say hi to Thaddeus and then hop a cab to the Tribeca Star and spend the night partying with Blair。 Tomorrow; they could have a lazy brunch; nursing their hangovers with glasses of fresh…squeezed orange juice。 Then they’d watch Breakfast at Tiffany’s and all the other old movies Blair loved。

“Serena!” someone shouted from behind her。 Breckin O’Dell was lumbering over to her from the bar; looking extremely pleased with himself。 His reddish hair was artfully spiked into peaks; and he wore a skinny purple tie and a black vest。

Hell is other people’s… outfits?

Serena made

















