〃The dynasty of Han has possessed the empire for years without end。 Formerly Wang Mang rebelled against his sovereign; and Liu Xiu the Founder of Latter Han rose in his wrath and put Wang Mang to death; thus restoring the prerogatives of the great sacrifices to him who rightly exercised them。 Lately Cao Cao; powerful and cruel; slew the Empress; and his crimes cry aloud to Heaven for vengeance。 His son; Cao Pi; carrying evils into every quarter; then seized the scepter。
〃My officials and leaders; regarding the dynasty as having been overthrown; think it fitting that I; Liu Bei; would continue the line。 As successor to my two warrior ancestors; Liu Bang and Liu Xiu; I will punish as Heaven decrees。
〃Fearing lest my virtue be inadequate to the Imperial Throne; I consulted the voices of the people; and all; even the most distant; have said that the mandate of Heaven may not be disobeyed; the great task of my ancestors may not discontinue; the land must have a lord; and they aver the cynosure of all eyes is myself。
〃Now I; respecting the mandate of Heaven and fearing lest the great achievements of Liu Bang and Liu Xiu may be overthrown; have reverently selected this auspicious day to ascend the altar; sacrifice; and announce my assumption of the Imperial Seal in order to fort all the people; rejoice the ancestors of the Dynastic House; and bring eternal tranquillity to all domains。〃
When the reading was ended; and the sacrifice and the prayer; Zhuge Liang; in the name of all those assembled; presented the Imperial Seal。
The Prince received it in both hands; laid it upon the altar; and again declined acceptance; saying; 〃I; Liu Bei; am unfitted。 I pray that another; more able; may be chosen。〃
But Zhuge Liang said; 〃Our lord has settled the empire; and his merits are manifest to the whole world。 Moreover; he is of the Dynastic Family; and it is fitting that he succeed。 Now that the great announcement has been made; such self…abnegation is impossible。〃
So all the officers shouted; 〃Eternal life to the Emperor!〃 And they did obeisance。
Then the style of the reign was announced to be Manifest Might; the first year (AD 220)。 The Lady Wu was declared Empress; and the eldest son; Liu Shan; was declared Heir…Apparent。 The second son Liu Yung was made Prince of Lu; and the third son Liu Li; Prince of Liang (the ancient states of Lu and Liang)。 Zhuge Liang became Prime Minister; and Xu Jing; Minister of the Interior。 Many others were promoted; and a general amnesty was proclaimed; so that there was great rejoicing throughout all the length and breadth of the two River Lands。
Next day the first court was held; and after the ceremonial prostration; and when they were all arranged in due order; the First Ruler made a pronouncement。
〃In the Peach Garden I and my brothers Guan Yu and Zhang Fei pledged ourselves to live and die together。 Unhappily my brother Guan Yu came to his end at the hands of Sun Quan of Wu; and I must avenge him lest I fail to fulfill the oath。 Therefore will I devote the whole force of my kingdom to the destruction of Wu and the capture of its rebellious chief; whereby to wipe away my reproach。〃
But just as he closed this oration; an officer threw himself down at the foot of the throne; crying; 〃It may not be so!〃
All eyes turned to this man。 He was Tiger General Zhao Yun。
〃Dire vengeance will I wreak!〃 so cried the King;
His minister replied; 〃Do no such thing。〃
What arguments were used will appear in the next chapter。
Main Next to Chapter 81 》》
Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 81
Chapter 81
Eager For Vengeance; Zhang Fei Is Assassinated;
Athirst Of Retribution; The First Ruler Goes To War。
Zhao Yun was opposed to the attempt to fight Wu; and spoke against the plan。
〃The real rebel was not Sun Quan; but Cao Cao。 Now it is his son who has usurped the Imperial Throne and called forth the anger of gods and humans。 You should first aim at the Land Within the Passes by camping on the River Wei; from which to attack the rebel。 After that the loyal people in the East of the Pass will cart their grains and herd their horses to wele your army。 If you leave River Wei out of consideration in order to fight Wu; your military force will be engaged; and could you disengage it quickly in case of necessity? It is worth reflection。〃
The First Ruler replied; 〃Sun Quan slew my brother。 Furthermore; Fu Shiren; Mi Fang; Pan Zhang; and Ma Zhong are on his side; all of whom I hate so much that I could eat their flesh with gusto and devour their relatives; whereby I should have my vengeance。 Why; Noble Sir; do you obstruct me?〃
〃Because the enmity against Cao Cao is a public matter; vengeance for the manner of your brothers end is private。 The empire should be placed first。〃
〃What care I for myriads of square miles of territory as long as my brother is unavenged?〃
So Zhao Yuns remonstrance was disregarded; and orders went forth to prepare an army against Wu。 The First Ruler also sent into the Five Valleys to borrow the aid of fifty thousand of tribesmen。 He sent a messenger to Langzhong conferring on Zhang Fei the rank of General of the Flying Cavalry and the title of Lord of Xixiang。 Zhang Fei became also Governor of Langzhong。