


The mighty dead will smile at what you say。

As Cao Cao breathed his last; the whole of those present raised a great wailing and lamentation。 The news was sent to the members of the family; the Heir Cao Pi; Lord of Yanling Cao Zhang; Lord of Linzi Cao Zhi; and Lord of Xiaohuai Cao Xiong。 They wrapped the body in its shroud; enclosed it in a silver shell; and laid it in a golden coffin; which was sent at once home to Yejun。

The eldest son wept aloud at the tidings and went out with all his following to meet the procession and escort the body of his father into his home。 The coffin was laid in a great hall beside the main building; and all the officials in deep mourning wailed in the hall。

Suddenly one stood out from the ranks of the mourners and said; 〃I would request the heir to cease lamentation for the dead and devote himself to the present needs of state。〃

It was Sima Fu; and he continued; 〃The death of the Prince will cause an upheaval in the empire; and it is essential that the heir should assume his dignity without loss of time。 There is not mourning alone to be seen to。〃

The others replied。 〃The succession is settled; but the investiture can hardly proceed without the necessary edict from the Emperor。 That must be secured。〃

Said Chen Jiao; who was Minister of War; 〃As the Prince died away from home; it may be that disputes will ensue; and the country will be in danger。〃

Then Chen Jiao slashed off the sleeves of his robe with a sword and shouted fiercely; 〃We will invest the prince forthwith; and anyone who does not agree; let him be treated as this robe。〃

Still fear held most of the assembly。 Then arrived Hua Xin most haste from the capital。 They wondered what his sudden arrival meant。

Soon he entered the hall and said; 〃The Prince of Wei is dead and the world is in motion。 Why do you not invest his successor quickly?〃

〃We await the mand;〃 cried they in chorus; 〃and also the order of Princess…Mother Bian concerning the heirship。〃

〃I have procured the imperial edict here;〃 cried he; pulling it out from his breast。

They all jumped up and down to shout their congratulations。 And Hua Xin read the edict。

Hua Xin had always been devoted to Wei。 As soon as he knew of Cao Caos death; he drafted this edict and got it sealed by Emperor Xian almost by force。 However; there it was: Therein Cao Pi was named as Prince of Wei; First Minister; and Imperial Protector of Jizhou。〃

Cao Pi thereupon took his seat in the princely place and received the exultant congratulations of all the officers。 This was followed by a great banquet。

However; all was not to pass too smoothly。 While the banquet was in progress; the news came: 〃Cao Zhang; Lord of Yanling; with an army of one hundred thousand troops; is approaching from Changan。〃

In a state of consternation; the new Prince turned to his courtiers; saying; 〃What shall I do? This young; golden…bearded brother of mine; always obstinate and determined and with no little military skill; is marching hither with an army to contest my inheritance。〃

〃Let me go to see the Marquis。 I can make him desist;〃 said one of the guests。

The others cried; 〃Only yourself; O Exalted One; can save us in this peril!〃

Quarrel between two sons of Cao Cao

Just as in the House of Yuan Shao。

If you would know who proposed himself as envoy; read the next chapter。

Main Next to Chapter 79 》》

Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 79

Chapter 79

Brother Oppressing Brother: Cao Zhi poses Poems;

Nephew Harming Uncle: Liu Feng Receives Punishment。

All eyes turned toward the speaker; High Minister Jia Kui; and the young prince manded him to undertake the mission。 So he went out of the city and sought to speak with Cao Zhang。 Cao Zhang came quickly to the point。

〃Who has the late Princes seal?〃 asked he。

Jia Kui replied seriously; 〃There is an eldest son to a house; and an heir…apparent to a state。 Such a question from your lordship is



赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...














