1 of fox fur hat Fendi; but will probably be forgotten in a taxi one day; late at night
1 bag of fringy suede Coach; good to go out with the keys; credit card and shine for lips。
What more need be?
A full year marked the Elizabeth Arden Red Door Salon for facial hair removal; eyebrow and
in the groin; masks of seaweed; haircuts and lights。
1 pair of leather boots caramel。 1 pair of boots of dark…brown suede。 1 pair of black boots
at the knee。
All of Stephane Kelian and everything to jump 10。 There is nothing like many pairs of boots。
1 coat of lambskin Fendi。
1 box of chocolate truffles extragrande of the bitter
Godiva … my weakness。 Well; one of them。
1 bath robe of TSE Cashmere of white and half of bining Cashmere
All classic Hitchcoch on DVD
The acceptance at university
A Years Eve all…new processor!
B getting all the books on Audrey Heoburn in the library of Manhattan。 The M and his friend
walking with the boxer from A (it is a dog; not a fighter); by Constance Billard School for
Girls and looking through windows of the octagonal first floor … by whom; I wonder? S giving
the doorman a basket full of baby barracudas。 Do the daily shipments of Flow are not
exaggerated way? N getting stoned with friends in the Sheep Meadow。 J doing a great
Christmas card with glitter for N of art in the classroom。 D is getting rid of a god
bloquinhos precious in a black trash on Broadway。 The block of a writer is not problematic?
V plagued a poor innocent seller of hot dog in Washington Square Park。 K and I fighting for
a hat of fox fur in Intermix。
Your email
Q: Dude 〃Gossip Girl;〃
Toei trying to deduce who is since you started this site q vc。 Q do not think you speak of
colleges unless q be the third year。 I am only the first year; butm cool with all veterans。
So you might not be as cool as I think q is。 Q I still think you must be a college professor
of pervert or someone like that。
… Jdwack
A: Dear jdwack;
Continue trying to deduce who I am because I will not tell you。 But I promise you this: I
would not be caught dead using cáqui shorts with a whistle in the neck。
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...