


hurt anyone; but could not avoid … was a monster。 In a way; was as the love and wonderful

horrible; terrifying and liberating; creepy and sad; all at the same time。

Tremendous creative energy; Dan pagina turned the blank on the back of a sheet of blue book

and wrote to Vanessa again on top of the page。 Then wrote the first verse: Youre my


Oh; well。 Want to know how was the second verse?

Vanessa was sitting in the back of the auditorium of Constance Billard School doing the same

proof of history of Serena。 He had finished the race 45 minutes earlier and now。 while

plugged Members of the class were still around Serena workers as bees around the queen just

because Serena had been photographed with that tasteless and illiterate musical singer of a

band of the weekend; Vanessa was tracing the route of a movie about the city that she hoped

to deliver University of New York as part of its proposal。 Fuck the Page Six。 Would document

the real life that rolava in the city; the really interesting things that happen right under

the nose of people while they are occupied by reading the Page Six。Primeiro; she wanted to

wake before dawn and shot the fishermen ing to the port to deliver the fish the FIDH

Fulton Market。 The smell of fish on sick leave; but one thing was perfect: it could follow

the journey of a fish from the boat to the market; which would be sold by type so; 65 cents

per kilo; and some of the uptown restaurant where he would be served encrusted of pistachio

with red potatoes and wild mushroom butter from the dish for  29。 An anorexic twice

divorced from Park Avenue to ask; would give only a few nibble and then the rest of the dish

would be thrown away。

It was exactly the kind of irony that Vanessa loved: a bittersweet irony。 She was

pessimistic and Dan was a romantic; and she could not understand why Dan had spun so

disturbed with sex。 For her; the more Dan and the more he hoped the oversized sex; writing

poems about it and losing sleep for concern; most were for the disappointment。 But she could

not find a delicate way to do it see it unless it and tie up his clothes off。 What it is bad


Vanessa smiled to herself and the thoughts turned to film。

After the fish market she wanted to spend the day with one of those strips that ciclicstas

always cycling in pairs by the Central Park and that never seemed to connect all the boys in

Sheep Meadow were doid?es and beer bebessem age without having to do it。 What she wanted was

discovered was that they already arrested someone; or if you were trying to tone up the

muscles of the legs with all those headed。 Indeed; the police department that she probably

would not film the police on a bicycle without any permission; but was not a bad idea at


Finally; she wanted












赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...





