But loyalty or piety
May give them immortality。
The armies of Shu numbered three hundred forty thousand strong; and they marched in five divisions; with Jiang Wei and Wei Yan in the van; and when they had reached Qishan; Li Hui; the missary General; was instructed to convey stores into the Xie Valley in readiness。
In Wei they had recently changed the style of the year period to 〃Green Dragon〃; because a green dragon had been seen to emerge from Mopo Well。 The year of the fighting was the second year (AD 234)。
The courtiers said to the Ruler of Wei; 〃The manders of the passes report thirty or so legions advancing in five divisions from Shu upon Qishan。〃
The news distressed the Ruler of Wei; who at once called in Sima Yi and told him of the invasion。
Sima Yi replied; 〃The aspect of the sky is very auspicious for the Middle Land。 The Wolf star has encroached upon the planet Venus; which bodes ill for the River Lands。 Thus Zhuge Liang is pitting his powers against Heaven; and will meet defeat and suffer death。 And I; by virtue of Your Majestys good fortune; am to be the instrument of destruction。 I request to name four leaders to go with me。〃
〃Who are they? Name them;〃 said the Ruler of Wei。
〃They are the four sons of Xiahou Yuan: Xiahou Ba; Xiahou Wei; Xiahou Hui; and Xiahou He。 Xiahou Ba and Xiahou Wei are trained archers and cavaliers; Xiahou Hui and Xiahou He are deep strategists。 All four desire to avenge the death of their father。 Xiahou Ba and Xiahou Wei should be Leaders of the Van; Xiahou Hui and Xiahou He should be Marching Generals; to discuss and arrange plans for the repulse of our enemy。〃
〃You remember the evil results of employing the Dynastic Son…in…Law Xiahou Mao: He lost his army and is still too ashamed to return to court。 Are you sure these are not of the same kidney?〃
〃They are not like Xiahou Mao in the least。〃
The Ruler of Wei granted the request and named Sima Yi as mander…in…Chief with the fullest authority。 When Sima Yi took leave of the Ruler of Wei; he received a mand in Cao Ruis own writing:
〃When you; Noble Sir; reach the banks of River Wei and have well fortified that position; you are not to give battle。 The army of Shu; disappointed of their desire; will pretend to retire and so entice you on; but you will not pursue。 You will wait till their supplies are consumed and they are pelled to retreat; when you may smite them。 Then you will obtain the victory without distressing the army unduly。 This is the best plan of campaign。〃
Sima Yi took it with bowed head。 He proceeded forthwith to Changan。 When he had mustered the forces assembled from all western counties; they numbered four hundred thousand; and they were all camped on River Wei。 In addition; fifty thousand troops were farther up the stream preparing nine floating bridges。 The two Leaders of the Van; Xiahou Ba and Xiahou Wei; were ordered to cross the river and camp; and in rear of the main camp on the east a solid earth rampart was raised to guard against any surprises from the rear。
While these preparations were in progress; Guo Huai and Sun Li came to the new camp。
Guo Huai said; 〃With the troops of Shu at Qishan; there is a possibility of their dominating River Wei; going up on the plain; and pushing out a line to the northern hills whereby to cut off all highways in the West Valley Land。〃
〃You say well;〃 said Sima Yi。 〃See to it。 Take mand of all the West Valley Land forces; occupy Beiyuan; and make a fortified camp there。 But adopt a defensive policy。 Wait till the enemys food supplies get exhausted before you think of attack。〃
So Guo Huai and Sun Li left to carry out these orders。
Meanwhile Zhuge Liang made five main camps at Qishan; and between Xie Valley and Saber Pass he established a line of fourteen large camps。 He distributed the troops among these camps as for a long campaign。 He appointed inspecting officers to make daily visits to see that all was in readiness。
When he heard that the army of Wei had camped in Beiyuan; he said to his officers; 〃They camp there fearing that our holding this area will sever connection with West Valley Land。 I am pretending to look toward Beiyuan; but really my objective is River Wei。 I am going to build a hundred or more large rafts and pile them with straw; and I have five thousand of marines to manage them。 In the darkness of the night I shall attack Beiyuan。 Sima Yi will e to the rescue。 If he is only a little worsted; I shall cross the river with the rear divisions; then the leading divisions will embark on the rafts; drop down the river; set fire to the floating bridges; and attack the rear of the enemy。 I shall lead an army to take the gates of the first camp。 If we can get the south bank of the river; the campaign will bee simple。〃
Then the generals took orders and went to prepare。
The spies carried information of the doings of the troops of Shu to Sima Yi; who said to his generals; 〃Zhuge Liang has some crafty scheme; but I think I know it。 He proposes to make a show of taking Beiyuan; and then; dropping down the river; he will try to burn our bridges; throw our rear into confusion; and then attack our camps。〃
So he gave Xiahou Ba and Xiahou Wei orders: 〃You are to listen for the sounds of battle about Beiyuan。 If you hear the shouting; you are to march down to the river; to the hills on the south; and lay an ambush against the troops of Shu as they arrive。〃
Zhang Hu and Yue Chen were to lead two other forces; of two thousand of bowmen each; and lie in hiding on the north bank near the bridges to keep off the rafts that might e down on the current and keep them from touching the bridges。
Then he sent for Guo Huai and Sun Li; and said; 〃Zhuge Liang is ing to Beiyuan to cross the river secretly。 Your new force is small; and you can hide half way along the road。 If the enemy cross the river in the afternoon; that will mean an attack on us in the evening。 Then you are to simulate defeat and run。 They will pursue。 You can shoot with all your energy; and our marines and land troops will attack at once。 If the attack is in great force; look out for orders。〃
All these orders given; Sima Yi sent his two sons Sima Shi and Sima Zhao to reinforce the front camp; while he led his own army to relieve Beiyuan。
Zhuge Liang sent Wei Yan and Ma Dai to cross River Wei and attack Beiyuan; while the attempt to set fire to the bridges was confided to Hu Ban and Wu Yi。 The general attack on the Wei camp by River Wei was to be made by three divisions: The front division under Wang Ping and Zhang Ni; the middle division under Jiang Wei and Ma Zheng; the rear division under Liao Hua and Zhang Yi。 The various divisions started at noon and crossed the river; where they slowly formed up in battle order。
Wei Yan and Ma Dai arrived Beiyuan about dusk。 The scouts having informed the defenders of their approach; Sun Li abandoned his camp and fled。 This told Wei Yan that his attack was expected; and he turned to retire。 At this moment a great shouting was heard; and there appeared two bodies of the enemy under Sima Yi and Guo Huai bearing down upon the attackers from left and right。 Wei Yan and Ma