


When Zhang Fei heard the tidings of Guan Yus death at the hands of Sun Quan; he wept very bitterly day and night; so that his raiment was soaked with his tears。 His subordinates tried to cheer him with wine; but he over…drank; and this increased his ill…humor; which he vented on any offender in his camp。 Some of his people even died under the lash。 Every day he gazed southward; grinding his teeth with rage and glaring。 He wept and groaned without ceasing。

Then a messenger was announced。 He was summoned immediately; and Zhang Fei at once tore open and read his dispatches。 When Zhang Fei read the edict; he accepted his new rank in all humility; bowing northward toward the imperial mandate。 Then he gave a banquet to the messenger。

He said; 〃My enmity for the death of my brother is deep as the sea。 Why do not the officers at the court propose an avenging expedition?〃

The messenger replied; 〃Most of them favor first the destruction of Wei。 Wu is to follow。〃

〃What sort of talk is this?〃 cried Zhang Fei angrily。 〃When we three swore brotherhood in the Peach Garden; we pledged ourselves to die together。 Now; alas! my brother has perished by the way; and can we enjoy wealth or honors without him? I must see the Son of Heaven and pray to be allowed to lead the van。 I will wear mourning; and in that garb I will smite Wu and capture the bandit that rules there。 Sun Quan shall be sacrificed to my brothers manes in virtue of our oath。〃

Zhang Fei acpanied the messenger to Capital Chengdu。 In the meantime the First Ruler had been training his armies。 Day after day he went to the drill ground; and he decided upon a day to start; and he would acpany the expedition。 Thereupon a number of courtiers went to the palace of the Prime Minister to talk with Zhuge Liang; trying to get this intention modified。

They said; 〃It is not in accordance with the importance due to the Emperors position that he should go in personal mand of this army; particularly as he has but lately assumed his throne。 You; Sir; hold the weighty post of adviser in such a matter; and why do you not dissuade him?〃

〃I have done so; most sincerely and repeatedly; but he will not listen。 But now you all e with me to the drill ground; and we will try once more。〃

So they proceeded thither; with Zhuge Liang at their head; and he said; 〃Your Majesty has but lately taken the imperial seat。 If the expedition was one to march northward to destroy the rebels against Han and in the interest of rectitude; it would be perfectly correct for the Emperor to lead the army。 But an officer of high rank should more properly be sent against Wu。 Why should Your Majesty expose yourself to such fatigues?〃

The First Ruler was touched by the depth of his ministers concern and the sincerity of his counsel; and was on the point of yielding when the arrival of Zhang Fei was announced。 Zhang Fei was immediately summoned and came to the pavilion on the drill ground; where he threw himself on the ground and clasped the First Rulers feet; weeping bitterly。 The First Ruler joined in the lamentation。

〃Your Majesty is now ruler and too quickly forgets the oath in the Peach Garden。 Why is our brothers death not avenged?〃

The First Ruler replied; 〃Many officers dissuade me from such a course。 I cannot act rashly。〃

〃What do others know of our oath? If Your Majesty will not go; then let me sacrifice myself to avenge our brother。 If I cannot; then would I rather die and see your face no more。〃

〃Then will I go with you;〃 said the First Ruler。 〃Bring your own troops from Langzhong; and I will bring my veterans to meet you at Jiangzhou。 We will both attack Wu and wipe out the reproach。〃

As Zhang Fei rose to take leave; the First Ruler said to him; 〃I know that your weakness for wine leads you astray; and you bee very cruel in your cups; and hog your people; and keep the beaten ones near you。 They may be dangerous; and it is certainly the road to misfortune。 Now you must be more kindly and not give way to passion as before。〃

Thus admonished; Zhang Fei said farewell and left。

Soon after; when the First Ruler was preparing to march out; High Minister Qin Mi memorialized; saying; 〃That Your Majesty; the Lord of a Myriad Chariots; should risk his person in what is not the way of perfect rectitude is not what the ancients would have done。 I pray that this may be reflected upon。〃

But the First Ruler replied; 〃Guan Yu and I were as one body; and the way of perfect rectitude is here。 Have you forgotten?〃

But the officer remained at his feet and said; 〃I fear disaster if Your Majesty disregards your servants words。〃

The First Ruler replied angrily; 〃Why do you use such bad words when I desire to march?〃

He bade the executioners thrust forth and put to death the bold speaker。 Still Qin Mis face showed no sign of fear。

He only smiled; saying; 〃I die without regret。 It is a pity that this newly established state should be overturned ere it be well begun。〃

Other officials interceding; the death punishment was remitted; but the faithful officer was mitted to prison。

〃Your fate will be decided when the Army of Vengeance return;〃 said the First Ruler。

Zhuge Liang sent up a memorial in favor of Qin Mi; saying:

〃I; Zhuge Liang; address Your Majesty in my own name and those of my colleagues。 We regard as most grievous the recent events………Wus perfidy; by which Jingzhou was lost; the star of a great general was brought down; and the pillar holding the sky was broken………; and we shall never forget。 But it is to be remembered that the crime of overturning the Throne of Han rests on Cao Cao; and the fault of driving away the Liu Family lies not on Sun Quan。 We venture to think that the destruction of Wei would cause the submission of Wu; wherefore we beg consideration of the valuable words of Qin Mi。 Thus the army will be spared needless exertion and occasion given to make other plans for the prosperity of the Throne and the happiness of the people。〃

But having listened to the memorial; the First Ruler threw it to the floor; saying; 〃I have decided; and no remonstrance

















