The following day the rebel Huang Shao himself led forth his army and made his battle array along a circle。 A leader advanced on foot to offer bat。 He wore a yellow turban on his head and a green robe。 His weapon was an iron mace。
He shouted; 〃I am He Man; the devil who shoots across the sky。 Who dare fight with me?〃
Cao Hong uttered a great shout and jumped from the saddle to accept the challenge。 Sword in hand he advanced on foot and the two engaged in fierce bat in the face of both armies。 They exchanged some fifty blows; neither gaining the advantage。 Then Cao Hong feigned defeat and ran away。 He Man went after him。 Just as he closed; Cao Hong tried a feint and then suddenly wheeling about; wounded his adversary。 Another slash; and He Man lay dead。
At once Li Dian dashed forward into the midst of the Yellow Scarves and laid hands on the rebel chief Huang Shao whom he carried off captive。 Cao Caos troops then set on and scattered the rebels。 The spoil of treasure and food was immense。
The other rebel leader; He Yi; fled with a few hundred horsemen toward Kobei Hills。 But while on their road thither there suddenly appeared a force led by a certain swashbuckler who shall be nameless for the moment。 This bravo was a well…built man; thickset and stout。 With a waist ten span in girth。 He used a long sword。
He barred the way of retreat。 He Yi set his spear and rode toward him。 But at the first encounter the bravo caught He Yi under his arm and bore He Yi off a prisoner。 All the rebels were terror…stricken; dropped from their horses and allowed themselves to be bound。 Then the victor drove them like cattle into an enclosure with high banks。
Presently Dian Wei; still pursuing the rebels; reached Kobei Hills。 The swashbuckler went out to meet him。
〃Are you also a Yellow Scarves rebel?〃 said Dian Wei。
〃I have some hundreds of them prisoners in an enclosure here。〃
〃Why not bring them out?〃 said Dian Wei。
〃I will if you win this sword from my hand。〃
This annoyed Dian Wei who attacked him。 They engaged and the bat lasted for two long hours and then was still undecided。 Both rested a while。 The swashbuckler was the first to recover and renewed the challenge。 They fought till dusk and then; as their horses were quite spent; the bat was once more suspended。
In the meantime some of Dian Weis men had run off to tell the story of this wondrous fight to Cao Cao who hastened in amazement; followed by many officers to watch it and see the result。
Next day the unknown warrior rode out again; and Cao Cao saw him。 In Cao Caos heart he rejoiced to see such a doughty hero and desired to gain his services。 So Cao Cao bade Dian Wei feign defeat。
Dian Wei rode out in answer to the challenge; and some thirty bouts were fought。 Then Dian Wei turned and fled toward his own side。 The bravo followed and came quite close。 But a flight of arrows drove him away。
Cao Cao hastily drew off his men for one and a half miles and then secretly sent a certain number to dig a pitfall and sent troops armed with hooks to lie in ambush。
The following day Dian Wei was sent out with one hundred horse。 His adversary nothing loath came to meet Dian Wei。
〃Why does the defeated leader venture forth again?〃 cried he laughing。
The swashbuckler spurred forward to join battle; but Dian Wei; after a faint show of fighting; turned his horse and rode away。 His adversary intent upon capture; took no care; and he and his horse all blundered into the pitfall。 The hookmen took him captive; bound him; and carried him before Cao Cao。
As soon as he saw the prisoner; Cao Cao advanced from his tent; sent away the soldiers; and with his own hands loosened the leaders bonds。 Then he brought out clothing and dressed him; bade him be seated and asked who he was and whence he came。
〃I am named Xu Chu。 I am from Qiao。 When the rebellion broke out; I and my relations of some hundreds built a stronghold within a rampart for protection。 One day the robbers came; but I had stones ready for them。 I told my relatives to keep on bringing them up to me and I threw them; hitting somebody every time I threw。 This drove off the robbers。 Another day they came and we were short of grain。 So I agreed with them to an exchange of plow oxen against grain。 They delivered the grain and were driving away the oxen when the beasts took fright and tore off to their pens。 I seized two of oxen by the tail; one with each hand; and hauled them backwards a hundred or so paces。 The robbers were so amazed that they thought no more about oxen but went their way。 So they never troubled us again。〃
〃I have heard of your mighty exploits;〃 said Cao Cao。 〃Will you join my army?〃
〃That is my strongest desire;〃 said Xu Chu。
So Xu Chu called up his clan; some hundreds in all; and they formally submitted to Cao Cao。 Xu Chu received the rank of general and received ample rewards。 The two rebel leaders; He Yi and Huang Shao; were executed。 Runan and Yingchuan were now perfectly pacified。
Cao Cao withdrew his army and went back to Juancheng。 Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren came out to wele him; and they told him that spies had reported Yanzhou City to be left defenseless。 Lu Bus generals; Xue Lan and Li Fang; had given up all its garrison to plundering the surrounding country。 They wanted him to go against it without loss of time。