


At this time Wei Yan was camped at Nangu Valley; which was a manding position。 He thought his plan was succeeding well。 It had not occurred to him that Yang Yi and Jiang Wei could get past him by any by…way。

On the other hand; Yang Yi; thinking that Hanzhong was lost; sent He Ping with three thousand troops on in front while he followed with the coffin。

When He Ping had got to the rear of Nangu Valley; they announced their presence with rolling drums。 The scouts quickly told Wei Yan; who at once armed himself; took his sword; and rode out to confront He Ping。 When both sides were arrayed; He Ping rode to the front and began to revile his opponent。

〃Where is that rebel Wei Yan?〃 cried He Ping。

〃You aided that traitor Yang Yi!〃 cried Wei Yan; no way backward with his tongue。 〃How dare you abuse me?〃

He Ping waxed more indignant。

〃You rebelled immediately after the late chiefs death; before even his body was cold。 How could you?〃

Then shaking his whip at the followers of Wei Yan; He Ping cried; 〃And you soldiers are Shu people。 Your fathers and mothers; wives and children; and your friends are still in the land。 Were you treated unkindly that you have joined a traitor and aid his wicked schemes? You ought to have returned home and waited quietly the rewards that would have been yours。〃

The soldiers were touched by his words。 They cheered; and more than a half ran away。

Wei Yan was now raging。 He whirled up his sword and galloped forward straight for He Ping; who went to meet him with his spear ready。 They fought several bouts; and then He Ping rode away as if defeated。 Wei Yan followed; but He Pings troops began to shoot and Wei Yan was driven backward。 As he got near his own ranks; Wei Yan saw many generals leaving their panies and going away。 He rode after them and cut some of them down。 But this did not stay the movement; they continued to go。 The only steady portion of his own army was that manded by Ma Dai。 They stood their ground。

〃Will you really help me?〃 said Wei Yan。 〃I will surely remember you in the day of success。〃

The two then went in pursuit of He Ping; who fled before them。 However; it was soon evident that He Ping was not to be overtaken; and the pursuers halted。 Wei Yan mustered his now small force。

〃What if we go over to Wei?〃 said Wei Yan。

〃I think your words unwise;〃 said Ma Dai。 〃Why should we join anyone? A really strong person would try to carve out his own fortune and not be ready to crook the knee to another。 You are far more able and brave than any leader in the River Lands。 No one would dare to stand up to you。 I pledge myself to go with you to the seizure of Hanzhong; and thence we will attack the West River Land。〃

So they marched together toward Nanzheng; where Jiang Wei stationed。 From the city wall Jiang Wei saw their approach and marked their proud; martial look。 He ordered the drawbridge to be raised and sent to tell his colleague; Yang Yi。

As they drew near; both Wei Yan and Ma Dai shouted out; 〃Surrender!〃

In spite of the smallness of their following; Jiang Wei felt that Ma Dai acting with Wei Yan was a dangerous bination; and he wanted the advice of Yang Yi。

〃Wei Yan is valorous; and he is having the help of Ma Dai。 How shall we repel them?〃 asked Jiang Wei。

Yang Yi replied; 〃Just before his death; the Prime Minister gave me a silken bag; which he said I was to open when Wei Yans mutiny reached a critical point。 It contains a plan to rid ourselves of this traitor; and it seems that now is the moment to see what should be done。〃

So Yang Yi opened the bag and drew forth the letter it held。 On the cover he read; 〃To be opened when Wei Yan is actually arrayed opposite you。〃

Said Jiang Wei; 〃As this has all been arranged for; I had better go out; and when his line is formed then you can e forth。〃

Jiang Wei donned his armor; took his spear; and rode out; with three thousand troops。 They marched out of the city gates with the drums beating。 The array pleted; Jiang Wei took his place under the great standard and opened with a volley of abuse。

〃Rebel Wei Yan; the late Prime Minister never harmed you。 Why have you turned traitor?〃

Wei Yan reined up; lowered his sword and replied; 〃Friend Jiang Wei; this is no concern of yours。 Tell Yang Yi to e。〃

Now Yang Yi was also beneath the standard; but hidden。 He opened the letter; and the words therein seemed to please him; for he rode forward blithely。

Presently he reined in; pointed to Wei Yan and said; 〃The Prime Minister foresaw your mutiny and bade me be on my guard。 Now if you are able thrice to shout; Who dares kill me?; then you will be a real hero; and I will yield to you the whole of Hanzhong。〃

Wei Yan laughed。

〃Listen; you old fool! While Zhuge Liang lived I feared him somewhat。 But he is dead and no one dares stand before me。 I will not only shout the words thrice; but a myriad times。 Why not?〃

















