The Latter Ruler was pleased and rewarded Zong Yu。 Moreover; the envoy of Wu was generously treated。
According to the advice in Zhuge Liangs testament; the Latter Ruler made Jiang Wan Prime Minister and Chair of the Secretariat; while Fei Yi became Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Chair of the Secretariat。 Wu Yi was made mander of the Flying Cavalry and mander of Hanzhong; Jiang Wei; General Who Upholds the Han; Lord of Pingxiang; mander…in…Chief; and mander of Hanzhong。
Now as Yang Yi was senior in service to Jiang Wan; who had thus been promoted over his head; and as he considered his services had been inadequately rewarded; he was discontented and spoke resentfully。
He said to Fei Yi; 〃If when the Prime Minister died I had gone over to Wei; with the whole army; I should not have been thus left out in the cold。〃
Fei Yi secretly reported this speech to the Latter Ruler; who was angered and threw Yang Yi into prison。
The Latter Ruler intended putting him to death; but Jiang Wan interceded; saying; 〃Yang Yi had followed the late Prime Minister in many campaigns and had had many good services。 Your Majesty should not put him to death; but take away his rank。〃
And Yang Yi was reprieved。 However; he was degraded and sent into Hanjia in Hanzhong; where he mitted suicide through shame。
In the thirteenth year of Beginning Prosperity of Shu; the same year being the third year of Green Dragon of Wei; and the fourth year of Domestic Peace of Wu (AD 235); there were no military expeditions。 In Wei; Sima Yi was created Grand mander; with mand over all the forces of Wei; and he departed for Luoyang。
The Ruler of Wei; at Xuchang; made preparations to build himself a palace plex。 At Luoyang he also built the Hall of Sunrise; the Hall of the Firmament; and the Hall of plete Patterns; all lofty and of beautiful designs。 He also raised a Hall of Beautiful Passions; a Green Flageolet Tower; and a Phoenix Tower。 He also dug a Nine Dragons Pool。 Over all these works he placed Doctorate Scholar Ma Jun as superintendent of their building。
Nothing was spared that would contribute to the beauty of these buildings。 The beams were carved; the rafters were painted; the walls were of golden bricks; and the roofs of green tiles。 They glittered and glowed in the sunlight。 The most cunning craftspeople in the world were sought; many thousands of them; and myriads of ordinary workers labored day and night on these works for the Emperors glory and pleasure。 But the strength of the people was spent in this toil; and they cried aloud and plained unceasingly。
Moreover; the Ruler of Wei issued an edict to carry earth and bring trees for the Fragrant Forest Park; and he employed officers of state in these labors; carrying earth and transporting trees。
The Minister of Works; Dong Xun; ventured upon a remonstrance; sending a memorial:
〃From the beginning of Rebuilt Tranquillity Era; a generation ago; wars have been continuous and destruction rife。 Those who have escaped death are few; and these are old and weak。 Now indeed it may be that the palaces are too small and enlargement is desired; but would it not be more fitting to choose the building season so as not to interfere with cultivation? Your Majesty has always valued many honorable officers; letting them wear beautiful headdresses; clad in handsome robes; and riding in decorated chariots to distinguish them from the mon people。 Now these officers are being made to carry timber and bear earth; to sweat and soil their feet。 To destroy the glory of the state in order to raise a useless edifice is indescribable folly。 Confucius the Teacher said that princes should treat ministers with polite consideration; and ministers should serve princes with loyalty。 Without loyalty; without propriety; can a state endure?
〃I recognize that these words of mine mean death; but I am of no value; a mere bullocks hair; and my life is of no importance; as my death would be no loss。 I write with tears; bidding the world farewell。
〃Thy servant has eight sons; who will be a burden to Your Majesty after his death。 I cannot say with what trepidation I await my fate。〃
〃Has the man no fear of death?〃 said Cao Rui; greatly angered。
The courtiers requested the Emperor to put Dong Xun to death; but Cao Rui remembered his rectitude and proven loyalty and only degraded him; adding a warning to put to death those who would remonstrate。
A certain Zhang Mao; in the service of the Heir Apparent; also ventured upon a remonstrance。 Cao Rui put him to death immediately。
Then Cao Rui summoned his Master of Works; Ma Jun; and said; 〃I have built high terraces and lofty towers with intent to hold intercourse with gods and goddesses; that I may obtain from them the elixir of life。〃
'e' Emperor Wu; aka Liu Che; (reigned BC 141…87) whose reign was longest among the Han emperors。 Emperor Wu was perhaps the most influential Han emperor who concerned not only about expanding territory but also about developing trade with other countries (the Silk Road; for example)。 Emperor paid special attention to longevity; and his court often had elaborate rituals。 。。。。。
Then Ma Jun replied; 〃Of the four and twenty emperors of the line of Latter Han; only Emperor Wu* enjoyed the throne very long and really attained to old age。 That was because he drank of the essence of the brilliancy of the sun and the brightness of the moon。 In the Palace at Changan is the Terrace of Cypress Beams; upon which stands the bronze figure of a man holding up a Dew Bowl; whereinto distills; in the third watch of the night; the vapor from the great constellation of the north。 This liquid is called Celestial Elixir; or Sweet Dew。 If mingled with powdered jade and swallowed; it restores youth to the aged。〃
〃Take workers to Changan immediately and bring hither the bronze figure to set up in the Fragrant Forest Park;〃 said the Ruler of Wei。
As the Ruler of Wei manded; they took ten thousand workers to Changan; and they built a scaffold around the figure。 Then they attached ropes to haul it down。 The terrace being two hundred feet high and the pedestal ten cubits in circumference; Ma Jun bade his laborers first detach the bronze image。 They did so and brought it down。 Its eyes were moist as with tears; and the workers were affrighted。
Then suddenly beside the terrace sprang up a whirlwind; with dust and pebbles flying thick as a shower of rain; and there was a tempestuous roar as of an earthquake。 Down fell the pedestal; and the platform crumbled; crushing a thousand people to death。
However; the bronze figure and the golden bowl were conveyed to Luoyang and presented to the Emperor。
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...