〃Exactly as I thought;〃 said be。
Calling Wang Ping; he said; 〃Dress up a thousand soldiers as those of Wei; and find your way quickly and secretly to Beiyuan。 Tell them that you are escort for the convoy; and mingle with the real escort。 Then suddenly turn on them so that they scatter。 Next you will turn the herd this way。 By and by you will be pursued。 When that occurs; you will give a turn to the tongues of the wooden animals; and they will be locked from movement。 Leave them where they are and run away。 When the soldiers of Wei e up; they will be unable to drag the creatures and equally unable to carry them。 I shall have soldiers ready; and you will go back with them; give the tongues a backward turn and bring the convoy here; The enemy will be greatly astonished。〃
Next he called Zhang Ni and said; 〃Dress up five hundred soldiers in the costume of the Deities of the Six Layers so that they appear supernatural。 Fit them with demon heads and wild beast shapes; and let them stain their faces various colors so as to look as strange as possible。 Give them flags and swords and bottle…gourds with smoke issuing from bustibles inside。 Let these soldiers hide among the hills till the convoy approaches; when they will start the smoke; rush out suddenly and drive off the wooden animals。 No one will dare pursue such uncanny pany。〃
When Zhang Ni had left; Wei Yan and Jiang Wei were called。
〃You will take ten thousand troops; go to the border of Beiyuan to receive the wooden transport creatures and defend them against attack。〃
Then another five thousand under Zhang Yi and Liao Hua was sent to check Sima Yi if he should e; while a small force under Ma Dai and Ma Zheng was sent to bid defiance to the enemy near their camp on the south bank。
So one day when a convoy was on its way from the West Valley Land; the scouts in front suddenly reported some soldiers ahead who said they were escort for the grain。 mander Cen Wei halted and sent to inquire。 It appeared the newers were really the soldiers of Wei; however; and so he started once more。
The newers joined up with his own troops。 But before they had gone much farther; there was a yell; and the men of Shu began to kill; while a voice shouted; 〃Wang Ping is here!〃
The convoy guard were taken aback。 Many were killed; but the others rallied round Cen Wei and made some defense。 However; Wang Ping slew Cen Wei; and the others ran this way and that; while the convoy was turned toward the Shu camp。
The fugitives ran off to Beiyuan and reported the mishap to Guo Huai; who set out hot foot to rescue the convoy。 When he appeared; Wang Ping gave the order to turn tongues; left the wooden animals in the road; and ran away。 Guo Huai made no attempt to pursue; but tried to put the wooden animals in motion toward their proper destination。 But he could not move them。
He was greatly perplexed。 Then suddenly there arose the roll of drums all round; and out burst two parties of soldiers。 These were Wei Yan and Jiang Weis troops; and when they appeared Wang Pings soldiers faced about and came to the attack as well。 These three being too much for Guo Huai; he retreated before them。 Thereupon the tongues were turned back again and the wooden herd set in motion。
Seeing this; Guo Huai came on again。 But just then he saw smoke curling up among the hills and a lot of extraordinary creatures burst out upon him。 Some held swords and some flags; and all were terrible to look at。 They rushed at the wooden animals and urged them away。
〃Truly these are supernatural helpers;〃 cried Guo Huai; quite frightened。
The soldiers also were terror…stricken and stood still。
Hearing that his Beiyuan troops had been driven off; Sima Yi came out to the rescue。 Midway along the road; just where it was most precipitous; a cohort burst out upon him with fierce yells and bursting bombs。 Upon the leading banners he read Han General Zhang Yi and Han General Liao Hua 。
Panic seized upon his army; and they ran like winds。
In the field the craftier leader on the convoy makes a raid;
And his rivals life endangers by an ambush subtly laid。
If you would know the upshot; read the next chapter。
Main Next to Chapter 103 》》
Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 103
Chapter 103
In Gourd Valley; Sima Yi Is Trapped;
In Wuzhang Hills; Zhuge Liang Invokes The Stars。
Heavily smitten in the battle; Sima Yi fled from the field a lonely horseman。 Seeing a thick wood in the distance; he made for its shelter。
Zhang Yi halted the rear division while Liao Hua pressed forward after the fugitive; whom he could see threading his way among the trees。 And Sima Yi indeed was soon in fear of his life; dodging from tree to tree as his pursuer neared。 Once Liao Hua was actually close enough to slash at his enemy; but Liao Hua missed the blow and his sword struck a tree; and before he could pull his sword out of the wood; Sima Yi had got clear away。 When Liao Hua got through into the open country; he did not know which way to go。 Presently he noticed a golden helmet lying on the ground to the east; just lately thrown aside。 He picked it up; hung it on his saddle; and went away eastward。
But the crafty fugitive; having flung away his helmet thus on the east side of the wood; had gone away west; so that Liao Hua was going away from his quarry。 After some time Liao Hua fell in with Jiang Wei; when he abandoned the pursuit and rode with Jiang Wei back to camp。
The wooden oxen and running horses having been driven into camp; their loads were put into the storehouse。 The grain that fell to the victors amounted to ten thousand carts or more。
Liao Hua presented the enemys helmet as proof of his prowess in the field; and received a reward of the fir
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...