〃But who are these two?〃
His host clapped his hands; smiled and said; 〃Good; very good!〃
When Liu Bei persisted and pressed home his questions; Water Mirror said; 〃It is getting late。 You might stay the night here; General; and we will talk over these things tomorrow。〃
He called to a lad to bring wine and food for his guest and his horse was taken to the stable and fed。 After Liu Bei had eaten; he was shown to a chamber opening off the main room and went to bed。 But the words of his host would not be banished; and he lay there only dozing till far into the night。
Suddenly he became fully awake at the sound of a knock at the door and a person entering。 And he heard his host say; 〃Where are you from?〃
Liu Bei rose from his couch and listened secretly。
He heard the visitor reply; 〃It has long been said that Liu Biao treated good people and bad people as they each should be treated。 So I went to see for myself。 But that reputation is undeserved。 He does treat good people correctly but he cannot use them; and he treats wicked people in the right way; all but dismissing them。 So I left a letter for him and went away。 And here I am。〃
Water Mirror replied; 〃You; capable enough to be the adviser of a king; ought to be able to find someone fit to serve。 Why did you cheapen yourself so far as to go to Liu Biao? Beside; there is a real hero right under your eyes and you do not know him。〃
〃It is just as you say;〃 replied the stranger。
Liu Bei listened with great joy for he thought this visitor was certainly one of the two he was advised to look for。 Liu Bei would have shown himself then and there; but he thought that would look strange。 So he waited till daylight; when he sought out his host。
〃Who was it came last night?〃 said Liu Bei。
〃A friend of mine;〃 was the reply。
Liu Bei begged for an introduction。 Water Mirror said; 〃He wants to find an enlightened master; and so he has gone elsewhere。〃
When Liu Bei asked his name; his host only replied; 〃Good; good!〃
And when Liu Bei asked who they were who went by the names of Sleeping Dragon and Young Phoenix; he only elicited the same reply。
Liu Bei then; bowing low before his host; begged him to leave the hills and help him to bring about the restoration of the ruling house to its prerogatives。
But Water Mirror replied; 〃People of the hills and woods are unequal to such a task。 However; there must be many far abler than I who will help you if you seek them。〃
While they were talking; they heard outside the farm the shouts of troops and neighing of horses; and a servant came in to say that a general with a large pany of soldiers had arrived。 Liu Bei went out hastily to see who these were and found Zhao Yun。 He was much relieved; and Zhao Yun dismounted and entered the house。
〃Last night; on my return to Xinye;〃 said Zhao Yun; 〃I could not find you; my lord; so I followed at once and traced you here。 I pray you return quickly; as I fear an attack on the city。〃
So Liu Bei took leave of his host; and the whole pany returned to Xinye。 Before they had gone far another army appeared; and; when they had e nearer; they saw Guan Yu and Zhang Fei。 They met with great joy; and Liu Bei told them of the wonderful leap his horse had made over the torrent。 All expressed surprise and pleasure。
As soon as they reached the city; a council was called and Zhao Yun said; 〃You ought first of all to indite a letter to Liu Biao telling him all these things。〃
The letter was prepared and Sun Qian bore it to the seat of government in Jingzhou City。 He was received; and Liu Biao at once asked the reason of Liu Bei hasty flight from the festival。 Whereupon the letter was presented; and the bearer related the machinations of Cai Mao and told of the escape and the amazing leap over the Tan Torrent。
Liu Biao was very angry; sent for Cai Mao; and berated him soundly; saying; 〃How dare you try to hurt my brother?〃
And he ordered Cai Mao out to execution。
Liu Biaos wife; Cai Maos sister; prayed for a remission of the death penalty; but Liu Biao refused to be appeased。
Then spoke Sun Qian; saying; 〃If you put Cai Mao to death; I fear Uncle Liu Bei will be unable to remain here。〃
Then Cai Mao was reprieved; but dismissed with a severe reprimand。
Liu Biao sent his elder son Liu Qi back with Sun Qian to apologize。 When Liu Qi reached Xinye;