Your email
Q: Dear Gossip Girl;
Okay; so Im not a big fofoqueira but I tell you in that I am still here in St。 Barts。 You
know that guy who was with B…M? Well; B; after leaving; he stayed with one that teaches
French and they went water skiing muitotempo together。
… Bean
A: Dude bean;
Thanks for the information。 I am sorry for you being stuck there instead of being here。
Moreover; you should gossip more often。 Let your skin bright。
… GG
The walking with his boxer by Park Avenue。 I imagine that he has returned from St。 Barts;
even with the friend M getting there。 Flow catching a plane in LA for the Kennedy Airport in
New York early this morning。 Oh; yeah? B is venturing out to buy a house for hair spray
extragrande Fréderic Fekkai at Zitomer Pharmacy in Madison。 It seems that it is preparing an
extravagant hairstyle for the party of tonight。 I am dying to see。 I am dying to see you
The only party that is worth
If you have not received one of these; then you may very well leave the city。
There is a Mané。
e celebrate the new Year…me!
Theme: A Night in Paradise Very Mad
Where? In the Ice Castle; West 19th Street
When? Saturday night; DAA; from 9 to 。。。
Take what? You and your friends who fit in the elevator。
See you there!
… Serena
Our life is better than the FILMS
If our life was a movie for teenagers bum; convidaríamos all officials of the admission of
all the universities to which the candidates to leave us and cuidaríamos so much fun that
they would let us decide。 But our life is better than the movies and we need not reach that
far to get into college。 Is not it?
I can not wait to see whos kissing whom at midnight!
For you who love me;
gossip girl
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...