Serena followed by Aaron edge of the dance floor and through the crowd that aglomerava at
the bar。 Before we reach the path to the villages; she had a glimpse of the sea and the
green and stopped perfect white sand and shining the light of the moon and thought of those
nights of summer at the beach house in Newport for Blair; and Blair when she drank martinis;
left the house and went to dive for sand without clothes in cold water clarae。
Serena could not resist。
… Lets go swimming!
Aaron was where he was。
… No … he said。 … Go you。
… Are you sure?
He seats。
… But do not go very far。
… All right! … Serena cried; beginning to run。 She shot the beach; esbarrando in the waves
and sank; eager to feel the chill from head to toe when the cold water to engage。 Swimming
like a seal; it was under the water until the head finally emerged on the surface and it
exalted breathed the air of the night。 Sometimes it was very good living。
is a bag when you can not find the clothes
Blair wanted to stop it quickly; but Miles wanted to take all the time in the world;
followed by every inch of the body of Blair in a way that seemed almost clinical; osa was
making a dermatological examination scope appropriate to eczema; melanomas or something。 She
tried to relax and enjoy the sensation of Miles licking the breast of his foot; but they
were pletely naked and she could not stop thinking that if Nate Miles was; by then they
would have already ended。
When excited; Nate became violent means。 Not in a frightening; but a passionate way;
trembling; irrepressible。 Blair always had to be firm when he said no; was not ready to go
to the end; and then had to find
a way to distract him。
Oh; yeah? And how?
This time she would not have to tell Nate to stop; and now they are lying in the arms of one
another; looking at the stars through the window; smoking cigarettes and talking lazily
about the future。
Miles started the other foot; biting the tip of the thumb of Blair and working with the
language on the surface of diamond ring。 Blair backed involuntarily。 Everything always
seemed so perfect when she was with Nate。 They were
and corner of the pieces of a puzzle; it is perfectly fit and; when they were tog
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...