〃The scheme looks excellent;〃 said Cao Cao。
And he wrote the letter as suggested; and then erased and changed it; after which he sealed it securely and sent it across to Han Sui。
Surely enough someone told Ma Chao about the letter; which increased his doubts; and he came to Han Suis quarters to ask to see it。 Han Sui gave it to him; and the erasures and alterations struck Ma Chao at once。
〃Why are all these alterations here?〃 asked he。
〃It came like that。 I do not know。〃
〃Does anyone send a rough draft like this? It seems to me; Uncle; that you are afraid I shall know something or other too well; and so you have changed the wording。〃
〃It must be that Cao Cao has sealed up the rough draft by mistake。〃
〃I do not think so。 He is a careful man and would not make such a mistake。 You and I; Uncle; have been allies in trying to slay the rebel。 Why are you turning against me now ?〃
〃If you doubt my word; I will tell you what you can do。 Tomorrow; in full view of the army; I will get Cao Cao to e out and talk。 You can hide in behind the ranks ready to kill me if I am false。〃
〃That being so; I shall know that you are true; Uncle。〃
This arrangement made; next day Han Sui with five generals in his train………Li Kan; Ma Wan; Yang Qiu; Hou Xuan; and Liang Xing………rode to the front; while Ma Chao concealed himself behind the great standard。 Han Sui sent over to say that he wished to speak to the Prime Minister。
Thereupon at his mand; Cao Hong; with a train of ten horsemen rode out; advanced straight to Han Sui; leaned over to him and said; loudly enough to be heard plainly; 〃Last night the Prime Minister quite understood。 Let there be no mistake。〃
Then without another word on either side Cao Hong rode away。
Ma Chao had heard。 He gripped his spear and started galloping out to slay his panion in arms。 But the five generals checked him and begged him to go back to camp。
When Han Sui saw him; he said; 〃Nephew; trust me; really I have no evil intentions。〃
But Ma Chao; burning with rage; went away。 Then Han Sui talked over the matter with his five generals。
〃How can this be cleared up?〃
〃Ma Chao trusts too much to his strength;〃 said Yang Qiu。 〃He is always inclined to despise you; Sir。 If we overe Cao Cao; do you think he will give way to you? I think you should rather take care of your own interests; go over to the Prime Ministers side; and you will surely get rank one day。〃
〃I was his fathers pledged brother and could not bear to desert him;〃 said Han Sui。
〃It seems to me that as things have e to this pass: You simply have to now。〃
〃Who would act as go…between?〃 asked Han Sui。
〃I will;〃 said Yang Qiu。
Then Han Sui wrote a private letter which he confided to Yang Qiu; who soon found his way over to the other camp。 Cao Cao was only too pleased; and he promised that Han Sui should be made Lord of Xiliang and Yang Qiu its Governor。 The other confederates should be rewarded in other ways。 Then a plot was planned: When the preparations for the act of treachery were plete; a bonfire was to be lighted in Han Suis camp; and all would try to do away with Ma Chao。
Yang Qiu went back and related all this to his chief; and Han Sui felt elated at the success of his overtures。 A lot of wood was collected in camp at the back of his tent ready for the signal blaze; and the five generals got ready for the foul deed。 It was decided that Ma Chao should be persuaded into ing to a banquet; and there they would slay him then。
All this was done; but not without some hesitation and delay; and some news of the plot reached Ma Chao。 He found out the careful preparations that had been made and resolved to act first。 Leaving Ma Dai and Pang De in reserve; he chose a few trusted leaders and with stealthy steps made his way into Han Suis tent。 There he found Han Sui and his five confederates deep in conversation。 He just caught a word or two that Yang Qiu said; 〃We must not delay; now is the time。〃
In burst Ma Chao raging and yelling; 〃You herd of rebels! Would you dare to plot against me?〃