But his master angrily replied; 〃Do you want to play the traitor and take the side of the rebels and help them?〃
Jin Xuan called in the lictors and told them to put Gong Zhi to death。
The other officers interceded for Gong Zhi; saying; 〃It augers ill to start an expedition by slaying your own officer。〃
So the Governor merely sent Gong Zhi sway。 He himself led the army out of the city。 After marching seven miles; he met with Zhang Feis army。
Zhang Fei at once rode to the front; spear ready to thrust; and opened with a shout。 Jin Xuan turned to his officers and asked who would go out to fight him; but no one replied。 They were too afraid。
So the Governor himself galloped out; flourishing his sword。 Seeing him advance; Zhang Fei shouted in a voice of thunder。 Poor Jin Xuan was seized with panic; turned pale and could not go on。 He turned his steed and fled。 Then Zhang Fei and his army went in pursuit and smote the fugitives; chasing them to the city wall。
Here the fugitives were greeted by a flight of arrows from their own wall。 Greatly frightened; Jin Xuan looked up to see what this meant; and there was Gong Zhi; who had opposed him; standing on the wall。
〃You brought defeat upon yourself because you opposed the will of God;〃 cried the traitor。 〃The people and I are determined to yield to Liu Bei。〃
Just as Gong Zhi finished speaking; an arrow wounded Jin Xuan in the face and he fell to the ground。 Thereupon his own troops cut off his head; which they forthwith presented to Zhang Fei。 Gong Zhi then went out and made formal submission; and Zhang Fei bade him take his letter and the seal to Guiyang to Liu Bei; who was pleased to hear of Zhang Feis success and gave the governorship to Gong Zhi。 Soon after Liu Bei came to Wuling in person and soothed the people。
This done he wrote to Guan Yu telling him Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei had gained a territory each。
Guan Yu at once wrote back and said; 〃Changsha is yet to be taken。 If I am not thought too feeble; I would like to be sent to attack it。〃
Liu Bei agreed and sent Zhang Fei to relieved his brother; whom Liu Bei ordered to return and prepare for an expedition to Changsha。 Guan Yu came and went in to see his elder brother and Zhuge Liang。
At this interview Zhuge Liang said; 〃Zhao Yun has taken Guiyang; and Zhang Fei Wuling。 Both successful warriors have done their work with three thousand troops。 The Governor of Changsha; Han Xuan; was not worth mentioning; but there was a certain general with him; named Huang Zhong; who had to be reckoned with。
〃Huang Zhong is a native of Nanyang。 He used to be in the service of Liu Biao and was a colleague Liu Biaos nephew; Liu Pan; when he was in mand of Changsha。 After Liu Biaos death; he joined Han Xuan when he took mand of the city。 Now; although he is nearly sixty; he is a man to be feared and a warrior of a thousand。 You ought to take a larger number of troops。〃
Guan Yu replied; 〃Instructor; what makes you damp another mans ardor to fight and do away with your own dignity? I do not think the old leader need be discussed; and I do not think I require three panies of soldiers。 Give me my own five hundred of swordsmen; and I will have the heads of both Han Xuan and Huang Zhong to sacrifice to our standard。〃
Liu Bei resisted this decision of Guan Yu; but Guan Yu would not give way。 He just took his five hundred and set out。
〃If he is not careful how he attacks Huang Zhong; there will be a mishap;〃 said Zhuge Liang。 〃You must go to support him。〃
Liu Bei accordingly; at the head of another and larger party; set out toward Changsha。
Governor Han Xuan of Changsha was of hasty temperament with small punction in matters of life and death and was universally hated。 When he heard of the army ing against him; he called his veteran leader; Huang Zhong; to ask advice。
The latter said; 〃Do not be distressed。 This sword of mine and my bow are equal to the slaughter of all who may e。〃
Huang Zhong had been very strong and could bend the three…hundred…pound bow and was a most perfect archer。
When Huang Zhong referred to his prowess; a certain man spoke up and said; 〃Let not the Veteran General go out to battle。 Trust to my right arm; and you shall have this Guan Yu a prisoner in your hands。〃
The speaker was General Yang Lin。 The Governor accepted his offer and told off a thousand troops to go with him; and they quickly rode out of the city。 About fifteen miles from the city; they observed a great cloud of dust approaching and soon distinguished the invaders。 Yang Lin set his spear and rode to the front to abuse and fight。 Guan Yu made no reply to the abuse; but rode forward flourishing his sword。 The warriors soon met; and in the third encounter Yang Lin was cut down。 Guan Yus army dashed forward and pursued the defeated force to the city wall。
When the Governor heard of this reverse; he ordered the veteran Huang Zhong to go out while he went up on the city wall to watch the fight。
Huang Zhong took his sword and crossed the drawbridge of Changsha at the head of his force。 Guan Yu; seeing an old leader riding out; knew it must be Huang Zhong。 Guan Yu halted his troops and placed them in line with their swords at the point。
Then sitting there on horseback; he said; 〃He who es is surely Huang Zhong; eh?〃
〃Since you know me; how dare you e within my boundaries?〃 replied the veteran。
〃I have e expressly to get your head!〃
Then the bat began。 They fought a hundred and more bouts; and neither seemed nearer victory。 At this point the Governor; fearing some mishap to his veteran general; beat the gong to retreat and the battle ceased; one side going into the city of Changsha and the other camping three miles away to the rear。
Guan Yu thought in his heart that the fame of the veteran opposed to him was well merited。 He had fought a hundred bouts and discovered never a weak spot。 He determined that in the next encounter he would use a 〃swinging…horse stab〃 and so overe Huang Zhong。
Next day; the early meal eaten; Guan Yu came to the city wall and offered his challenge。 The Governor seated himself on the city wall and bade his veteran warrior go out to accept it。 At the head of a few horsemen; Huang Zhong dashed across the drawbridge。 The two champions engaged; and at the end of half a hundred bouts neither had the advantage。 On both sides the soldiers cheered lustily。
When the drums were beating most furiously; suddenly Guan Yu wheeled round his horse and fled。 Of co