Then suddenly the host turned to his attendants; saying; 〃Bring my trident halberd!〃
They did so; and he sat there gripping that graceful but effective weapon in his right hand。 Both guests felt very ill at ease and turned pale。
Lu Bu went on; saying; 〃I have tried to persuade you to make peace; for that is the mand of the Most High。 It shall be put to the test。〃
He then bade his servants take the halberd outside beyond the gate and set it up。
Then speaking to his two guests; he said; 〃That gate is one hundred and fifty paces distant。 If I can hit that left branch of the halberd…head with an arrow; you will both withdraw your armies。 If I miss; you can go away and prepare for immediate battle。 I shall stand against either of you who does not abide by what I say。〃
Ji Ling thought to himself; 〃That small mark at that distance! How could anyone hit it?〃
So he assented; thinking he would have plenty of fighting after his host had missed the mark。 Of course Liu Bei was willing。
They all sat down again and wine was served。 When this had been drunk; the host called for his bow and arrows。 Liu Bei silently prayed that Lu Bu would hit the mark。
Lu Bu turned back his sleeves; carefully fitted an arrow to the string and pulled the bow to its utmost stretch。 A slight exclamation escaped him as the bow curved like the harvest moon sailing through the sky。 〃Twang!〃 went the bowstring; and the arrow sped like a falling star。 And it struck the slender tongue of the halberd head full and square。 A roar of acclamation from all sides greeted the exploit。
The multitude people often hail their praise:
O Lu Bu was a wonderful archer;
And the arrow he shot sped straight;
By hitting the mark he saved his friend
That day at his camp gate。
Hou Yi; the archer of ancient days;
Brought down each mocking sun;
And the apes that gibbered to fright Yang Youji
Were slain by him; one by one。
But we sing of Lu Bu that drew the bow;
And his feathered shaft that flew;
For one hundred thousand soldiers could doff their mails
When he hit the mark so true。
Lu Bu laughed loud at the success of his shot。
Dropping his bow he seized his guests by the hands; saying; 〃The mand of Heaven indeed! And now you cease from fighting!〃
He ordered the soldier attendants to pour out great goblets of wine and each drank。 Liu Bei in his inmost heart felt rather lucky; his fellow guest sat silent; nodding his head。
Presently Ji Ling said; 〃I cannot disobey your mand; General; but let me depart。 What will my master say and will he believe me?〃
〃I will write a letter and confirm it;〃 said Lu Bu。
After a few more rounds of the wine; Ji Ling asked that he might have the letter and after that departed。
When the brothers took their leave; Lu Bu again reminded Liu Bei; saying; 〃Do not forget I have delivered you today!〃
Liu Bei thanked him and departed。 Next day the leaders broke camps; and the soldiers were gone。