


Zhuge Liang cast lots to know what portent was intended; and announced; 〃That gale signals the loss of a great leader。〃

They hardly believed him。 But before the banquet ended; two sons of Zhao Yun; Zhao Tong and Zhao Guang; came and wished to see the Prime Minister。

Zhuge Liang; deeply affected; threw aside his wine cup and cried; 〃That is it。 Zhao Yun is gone!〃

When the two young men came in; they prostrated themselves and wept; saying; 〃Our father died the night before at the third watch。〃

Zhuge Liang staggered and burst into lamentation。

〃My friend is gone。 The country has lost it great beam; and I my right arm!〃

Those about him joined in; wiping away their tears。 Zhuge Liang bade the two young men go in person to Chengdu to bear the sad tidings to the Emperor。

And the Latter Ruler wept bitterly。

'e' Evan; a reader: 〃Zhao Yun is my favorite。 I dont think that any other character in the novel can quite pare to his nobility and virtue; and few enough could pare with him on any grounds。 From Wei; I would say Zhang Liao; and from Wu; Taishi Ci and Lu Meng。〃 。。。。。

〃Zhao Yun was my savior and friend。 He saved my life when I was a child in the time of great confusion!〃 cried the Latter Ruler。

An edict was issued creating Zhao Yun Regent Marshal and Lord of Shunping and giving burial on the east of Silky Hills near Capital Chengdu。 A temple was ordered to his memory and sacrifices were offered in four seasons。*

From Changshan came a general; tiger bold;

In wit and valor he was fitting mate

For Guan Yu and Zhang Fei; his exploits rivaling

Even theirs。 River Han and Dangyang recall

His name。 Twice in his stalwart arms he bore

The prince; his well…loved leaders son and heir。

In storied page his name stands out; writ large。

Fair record of most brave and loyal deeds。

The Latter Ruler showed his affectionate gratitude to the late leader; not only in according him most honorable burial; but in kindness to his sons。 The elder; Zhao Tong; was made General in the Tiger Army and the younger; Zhao Guang; Station General。 He also set guards over the tomb。

When the two sons had left; the ministers reported to the Latter Ruler: 〃The dispositions of the army are plete; and the Prime Minister proposes to march against Wei without delay。〃

Talking this over with one and another; the Latter Ruler found the courtiers much inclined to a cautious policy and somewhat fearful。 And the doubts entered into the Latter Rulers mind so that he could not decide。 Then came a memorial from Zhuge Liang; and the messenger; Yang Yi; was called into the presence and gave it to the Latter Ruler。 The Emperor spread it on the table and read:

〃The First Ruler always said: Han and rebels cannot coexist; a rulers domain cannot be confined。 Wherefore he laid upon me; thy minister; to destroy the rebels。 Measuring my powers by his perspicacity; he knew that I should attack and oppose my talents; inadequate as they might be; to their strength; for; if I did not; the royal domain would be destroyed。 It was a question whether to await destruction without effort; or to attack? Wherefore he assigned me the task confidently。 Thenceforward this task occupied all my thoughts。

〃Considering that the south should be made secure before the north could be attacked; I braved the heat of summer and plunged deep into the wilds of the Mang nations。 Not that I was careless of myself or the soldiers; but urged by the one consideration; that the royal domain should not be restricted to the capital of Shu; I faced dangers in obedience to the First Rulers behest。 But there were critics who said that I should not do it。

〃Now the rebels have been weakened in the west and have bee defeated in the east。 The rule of war is to take advantage of the enemys weakness; and so now is the time to attack。 I shall discuss the various circumstances in order。

〃The enlightenment of the Founder of the Hans; Liu Bang; rivaled the glory of the sun and moon; his counselors were profound as the ocean abyss。 Nevertheless; he trod a hazardous path and suffered losses; only attaining repose after passing through great dangers。 Your Majesty does not reach his level; nor do your counselors equal Zhang Liang and Chen Ping。 Yet while we desired victory; we would sit idle; waiting till the empire should bee settled。 This attitude is beyond my prehension。

〃Imperial Protector Liu Yao and Governor Wang Lang each occupied a territory。 They passed their time in talking of tranquillity and discussing plans; quoting the sayings of the sages till they were filled with doubts and obsessed with difficulties。 So this year was not the time to fight; nor next year the season to punish; and; thus talking; it came about that Sun Ce grew powerful and possessed himself of all the South Land。 This sort of behavior I cannot understand。

〃In craft Cao Cao surpassed all humans。 He could wield armies like the great strategists of old; Sun Zi and Wu Qi。 Yet he was surrounded in Nanyang; was in danger at Wuchao; was in difficulties at Qilian; was hard pressed in Liyang; was nearly defeated at Beishan; and nearly killed at Tong Pass。 Yet; after all these experiences; there was a temporary and artificial state of equilibrium。 How much less can I; a man of feeble powers; bring about a decision without running risks? I fail to understand。

〃Cao Cao failed in five attacks on Changba; and four times crossed Lake Chaohu without success。 He employed Li Zu; who betrayed him; and put his trust in Xiahou Yuan; who was defeated and died。 The First Ruler always regarded Cao Cao as an able man; and yet Cao Cao made such mistakes。 How then can I; in my worn…out condition; avoid any error? I do not understand why。

〃Only one year has elapsed since I went into Hanzhong; yet we have lost Zhao Yun; Yang Qun; Ma Yun; Yan Zhi; Ding Li; Bo Shou; Liu He; Deng Tong; and others; and leaders of rank and generals of stations; to the number of near eighty; all people unsurpassed in dash and valor; and more than a thousand of the specialized forces of horse and trained cavalry of the Sou and the Tangut tribespeople in the Gobi Desert; whose martial spirit we have fostered these ten years all about us; and not only in one region。 If we delay much longer; two…thirds of this will have dissipated; and how then shall we meet the situation? I do not understand delay。

〃The people are stretched and the a

















