Thereupon a certain one replied; saying; 〃I can produce a man able to defeat Zhuge Liang。〃
The assembly turned to the speaker; who was a brother of Meng Huos wife。 He was the head of eight tribes of the Southern Mangs; and was named Chief Dai Lai。
〃Who is the man?〃 asked Meng Huo。
Chief Dai Lai replied; 〃He is Mu Lu; King of the Bana Ravine。 He is a master of witchcraft who can call up the wind and invoke the rain。 He rides upon an elephant and is attended by tigers; leopards; wolves; venomous snakes; and scorpions。 Beside; he has under his hand thirty thousand superhuman soldiers。 He is very bold。 O King; write him a letter and send him presents; which I will deliver。 If he will consent to lend his aid; what fear have we of Shu?〃
Meng Huo was pleased with the scheme and ordered Dai Lai to draft a letter。 Then he ordered Duo Si to defend Three Rivers and make the first line of defense。
Zhuge Liang led his troops near the city of Three Rivers。 Taking a survey of the country; he noted that the city was surrounded by the three rivers and could only be reached by a bank on one face; so he sent Wei Yan and Zhao Yun to march along the road and attack。 But when they reached the rampart; they found it well defended by bows and crossbows。
The defenders of the city were adepts in the use of the crossbow; and they had one sort which discharged ten arrows at once。 Furthermore; the arrows were poisoned; and a wound meant certain death。 The two generals saw that they could not succeed; and so retired。
When Zhuge Liang heard of the poisoned arrows; he mounted his light chariot and went to see for himself。 Having regarded the defenses; he returned to his camp and ordered a retirement of three miles。 This move delighted the Mangs; who congratulated each other on their success in driving off the besiegers; who; as they concluded; had been frightened away。 So they gave themselves up to rejoicing and kept no watch。 Nor did they even send out scouts。
The army of Shu made a strong camp in their new halting place and closed the gates for defense。 For five days they gave no sign。 One evening; just at sunset; a slight breeze began to blow。
Then Zhuge Liang issued an order: 〃Every man should provide himself with a coat by the first watch。 If anyone lacks; he will be put to death。〃
None of the generals knew what was in the wind; but the order was obeyed。 Next; each man was ordered to fill his coat with earth。 This order appeared equally strange; but it was carried out。
When all were ready; they were told: 〃You are to carry the earth to the foot of the city wall; and the first arrivals will be rewarded。〃
So they ran with all speed with the dry earth and reached the wall。 Then with the earth they were ordered to make a raised way; and the first soldier on the wall was promised a reward。
The whole of the one hundred thousand troops of Shu; and their native allies; having thrown their burdens of earth near the wall; then quickly rushed up the incline; and with one great shout were on the wall。 The archers on the wall were seized and dragged down。 Those who got clear ran away into the city。 King Duo Si was slain in the melee that followed on this attack。 The soldiers of Shu moved through the city slaying all they met。 Thus was the city captured and with it great booty of jewels; which were made over to the army as a reward for their prowess。
The few soldiers who escaped went away and told Meng Huo: 〃The city of Three Rivers was lost; and King Duo Si slain!〃
Meng Huo was much distressed。 Before he had recovered; they told him: 〃The army of Shu has e over and is encamped at the mouth of Silver Pit Ravine。〃
Just as he was in the very depths of distress; a laugh came from behind the screen。
A woman appeared; saying; 〃Though you are brave; how silly you are! Though I am a woman; but I want to go out and fight。〃
The woman was his wife; Lady Zhurong。 She was a descendant of the Zhurong family of the Southern Mang。 She was expert in the use of the flying sword and never missed her aim。
Meng Huo rose and bowed to her。 Lady Zhurong thereupon mounted a horse and forthwith marched out at the head of a hundred generals; leading fifty thousand troops of the ravines; and set out to drive off the troops of Shu。
Just as the host got clear of the Silver Pit Palace; it was stopped by a cohort led by Zhang Ni。 At once the Mangs deployed; and the lady leader armed herself with five swords such as she used。 In one hand she held an eighteen…foot signal staff; and she sat a curly…haired; reddish horse。
Zhang Ni was secretly troubled at the sight before him; but he engaged the lady mander。 After a few passes the lady turned her steed and bolted。 Zhang Ni went after her; but a sword came flying through the air directly at him。 He tried to fend off with one hand; but it wounded his arm; and he fell to the ground。 The Mangs gave a loud shout; some of them pounced on the unlucky leader and made him prisoner。
Then Ma Zheng; hearing his rade had been taken; rushed out to rescue; but only to be surrounded。 He saw the lady mander holding up her staff and made a dash forward; but just then the Mangs threw hooks and pulled down his steed; and he was also a prisoner。
Both generals were taken into the ravine and led before the King。 He gave a banquet in honor of his wifes success; and during the feast the lady bade the lictors put the two prisoners to death。 They hustled the two generals in and were just going to carry out their orders when Meng Huo checked them。
〃No; five times has Zhuge Liang set me at liberty。 It would be unjust to put these to death。 Confine them till we have taken their chief; then we may execute them。〃
His wife was merry with wine and did not object。 So their lives were spared。
The defeated soldiers returned to their camp。 Zhuge Liang took steps to retrieve the
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...