At the opening ceremony; Cao Cao wore a golden headdress inlaid with jewels and a robe of green brocaded silk; girded with a belt of jade。 On his feet were pearl…encrusted shoes。 So clad he took his seat as host; while his officers; civil and military; were drawn up below the terrace。
For the military officers was arranged an archery petition; and one of his attendants brought forth a robe of red crimson Xichuan silk as a prize。 This was suspended from one of the drooping branches of a willow tree; beneath which was the target。 The distance was a hundred paces。 The petitors were divided into two bands; those of Cao Caos own family being dressed in red and the others in green。 They all had carved bows and long arrows and were mounted。 They stood holding in their steeds till the signal should be given for the games to begin。 Each was to shoot one arrow; and the robe was the guerdon for hitting the target in the red; misses were to pay a forfeit of drinking a cup of cold water。
As soon as the signal was given; a red…robed youth rode quickly forth。 He was Cao Xiu。 Swiftly he galloped to and fro thrice。 Then he adjusted the notch of his arrow to the string; pulled the bow to its full; and the arrow flew straight to the bulls eye。
The clang of the gongs and the roll of the drums announced the feat; which astonished them all。 And Cao Cao; as he sat on the terrace; was delighted。
〃A very promising colt of my own;〃 said he to those about him; and he sent a messenger for the red robe that the winner might receive it from his own hands。
But suddenly from the green side rode out one who cried; 〃It were more fitting to let outsiders pete for the Prime Ministers silken robe。 It is not right that members of the family monopolize the contest。〃
Cao Cao looked at the speaker; who was Wen Ping。 And some of the officers cried; 〃Let us see what his shooting is like!〃
So Wen Ping fitted an arrow to the string and fired also from horseback while galloping。 To the surprise of the onlookers; he also made a bulls eye; which was honored by another salute from gongs and drums。
〃Quickly bring me the robe;〃 cried Wen Ping。
But at once from the ranks of the red…robed another petitor dashed forward; shouting fiercely; 〃How can you win what has been already won? But let me show you how I can shoot an arrow that shall overe both your shots。〃
He drew his bow to the full; and the arrow flew straight to the heart of the red。 The surprised onlookers saw that this new petitor was Cao Hong; who now became also a claimant for the robe。
However; yet another archer came forth from the green…robed ranks; playing with his bow and crying; 〃What is there amazing in your shooting; you three? See how I can shoot。〃
This man was Zhang He。 He put his horse to the gallop; then turned his back and; shooting backwards; also hit the center of the red。
Thus four arrows were now sticking in the bulls eye; and all agreed that it was marvelous archery。
〃I think the robe should be mine;〃 said Zhang He。
Before he could finish speaking; a fifth petitor came out from the red robes and shouted; 〃You shot backwards; but that is monplace enough。 Look while I shoot better than you all。〃
The speaker was Xiahou Yuan。 He galloped off to the very limit; and then bending his body over backwards he sent his arrow right in among the other four。
As the gongs and drums broke out; Xiahou Yuan put aside his bow and rode up; saying; 〃Is not that a better shot than any of its predecessors?〃
Then came out another from the greens who cried; 〃Leave the robe there for me; Xu Huang; to win。〃
〃What can you do that is better than my shot?〃 said Xiahou Yuan。
〃That you hit the bulls eye is no great feat。 You will see me win the silken robe after all。〃
So speaking; Xu Huang fitted an arrow to his bow。 Then looking around; he aimed at the willow twig from which the robe hung down and shot thereat so true that his arrow cut it through; and the robe fluttered to the ground。 At once Xu Huang dashed along; picked up the robe and slipped it on。 Then riding swiftly to the terrace; he thanked the Prime Minister。 No one present could withhold unstinted praise; and Xu Huang was turning to ride away。
But another green clad general leaped out; saying; 〃Where would you go with that robe? Quickly leave it for me!〃
All eyes turned to this man who was Xu Chu。
Xu Huang cried; 〃The robe has already been adjudged to me。 Would you dare take it by forces〃
Xu Chu made no reply but galloped up to snatch the robe。 As Xu Chus horse drew near; Xu Huang struck at his rival a blow with his bow。 But Xu Chu seized the bow with one hand while with the other he simply lifted his opponent out of his seat。 Wherefore Xu Huang let go the bow and the next moment lay sprawling on the ground。 Xu Chu slipped out of the saddle too; and they began to pommel each other with their fists。 Cao Cao sent one to separate them。 But in the struggle; the robe had been torn and soiled。 Cao Cao called the angry rivals before him; and they came; one darting fierce looks of hate; the other grinding his teeth with rage。
〃Never mind the robe。 I see only your magnificent courage;〃 said Cao Cao smiling。 〃What does a robe more or less matter?〃
Whereupon Cao Cao called the generals to him one by one; and to each he presented a robe of Xichuan silk。 They thanked him for the generous gifts; and he then manded them to take their seats in due order。 Then to the strains of a band of music; wherein each performer vied with all the others; the naval and military officers took their places。 Civil officers of repute and generals of renown drank one