Aaron felt the cheeks burned。 Blair narrowed eyes for the mother and the dumb blonde of her
hair in its track pudica。 So now they were talking about taking her to the fourth area to
horrible offspring of the devil?
She was preparing to say something to shut up the mother and run to the bathroom to put his
guts out; but then; without any presentation; the four members of the 45 quietly rose to the
stage; grabbed the instruments and started playing 。 And the music was high。 It s deafening
fantastic high。
Miles took the hand of Blair。
… Want to dance?
Instead of answering; Blair threw the chair back and almost pulled the towel from the table;
pulling with Miles。
The band had not won the MTV Award for being boring … they were great。 And there was no way
to Serena sit at the table while they played。 She took the hand of Aaron and Tyler and
dragged away。
… e on; you two … she screamed。 … Dance with me!
When the naked feet of Serena hit the dance floor; she closed his eyes and let the music
dominate his body; throwing the blond hair back; rocking the hips and tapping their feet
with abandonment。 In the white bikini and
canga green…clear; it seemed like a mermaid who had fled from the sea。 Flow could not stop
looking at her while singing the words of success Karnage。 She was all the women he sang。
The girl of his dreams。
Blair threw all the energy of your anger in the dance; socando the air with fists; kicking;
hitting his head and chicoteando Miles in the face with the long brown hair in a way nothing
audreyana。 The pink dress grudou skin suada;
but it does not import more from the appearance。 That was not bad。 Miles could not take her
eyes。 The third song was slow; and the dance floor was filled with older couples who joined
them。 Serena danced with Tyler; smiling at him while he put his hands on his hips naked。
Tyler corou but not out。 He knew he had the luck。 Even boys of 11 years have testosterone。
The music was slow and sensual。 Miles spent the hands of Blair at the waist and pulled her
head to his chest。 Blair not retreated。 Instead; the body shook with it; by force。
His mind was so full of anger and despair that she train。 I do not think about anything;
just wanted to feel good; and thanks to God was with Miles; a guy who; yes; it was not Nate;
but that
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...