with a tissue。
The Miss。 Glos nose bleeds and had always believed that it had a rare disease。 All the girls
were afraid to touch what she gave them。
Blair raised the eyebrows dark and well delineated。
… E?
The Miss。 Glos looked at her。 His hair color is the mouse encrespavam below; ro?ando the
chin。 It was exactly like when Blair and the way it was obviously a wig。
… I think it is better to make another attempt is really is serious when he says he wants to
go to Yale。 Blair took a minute to register what the guide said。
… But 。。。
The Miss。 Glos opened the folder and the Blair pointed to the inside pages with a talon and
a yellow disgusting。
… This is a perfectly adequate testing on the life of Audrey Hepburn … she began。 … But it
says nothing about you。 You need to show Yale you can write well; who can think in a
creative way and can give an extraordinary response to a mon question。 … She returned the
test to Blair。
Blair held the six pages stapled between the thumb and forefinger; the temples latejando。
Died of willingness to tell the lady。 Glos to fuck and buy a new wig while there was; but
she knew that the university was very good guidance in their work。 And if someone could help
her to e at Yale; that someone was a lady。 Glos。
… OK … she said; concisely。 … I will try
… Good girl。 Do not be so literary。 Show them
how much she loves the films of Audrey Hepburn instead of talking
Blair seats and stood up。 Ajeitou the skirt; trying to maintain posure in front of an
insult so outrageous; acting exactly as you would think Audrey。
… Happy Christmas to you … said politely。
The Miss。 Glos pull the handkerchief on the nose again and smiled。
… Happy Christmas; Blair。
Blair pulled the door of salad guiding university to close it and threw his essay
contaminated trash in the corridor of metal with a sigh of irritation。 Would both have fun
on the beach in St。 Barts。 Serena would have to turn myself because Blair would have to
spend the whole of the holiday fucking locked in a room writing the test for Yale。 She