could have。 It was not something you do with a girlfriend when I was bored one night before
the evidence of Saturdays middle period。 It was one thing when the two had already explored
all other ways … intellectual; spiritual and philosophical。 Dan came to play with the idea
of waiting for sex when they were married ready to have children。 He wanted to have five
children and give them the name of your favorite writers: Kafka; Goethe; Sartre; Camus and
Keats。 Even if you do not have to wait until marriage; the first time should be a process of
discovery as the two learn to speak a new language。
But Vanessa had learned the language with another man。
… You have feet and close it … she noted; kneel down on the floor while Dan took the half。
Dan felt her feet and departed。
Vanessa is dragged to bed and was sat next to him; his legs crossed; with that black top and
black panties。
…What is the problem?
…I do not want to do this … Dan crossed the thin arms bare chest。 A pair of corduroy was
still in the body; but he felt very naked。 … I mean; not now。
Vanessa extended the hand and arm afagou happily。
…I was nervous the first time too。 Not so much … she said; reassuring。 I promise。
Dan swallowed in dry and looked at the ceiling。 It was looking upon a crack in the plaster
above his head。
…I just wanted to wait until it is more 。。。 organic。
…All right; said Vanessa slowly。 But it is sex…only; save as is。 Not a poem。
Obviously she did not mean it。 For Dan was even a poem。 Probably the most important poem he
ever wrote。
He put the shirt。
…I just think better to wait; its just that。
…Okay … Vanessa said; the point of losing patience。
Dan was always considering other things; writing about them in his black hood of bloquinho
until there was nothing else to write。 She loved the way his sensitive and romantic; but at
least once in life he could be nice and stop thinking so much on things and just follow the
damn current。 Still; Vanessa was the end of it since the day they met and made friends;
three years before。 She would not ruin things; now they were finally together。
Dan li
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...