Bitchfest at Barneys?
hey people!
everything old is new again
Maybe you dusted off your white Oscar de la Renta mencement dress and repurposed it for your angel costume this Halloween。 Maybe you stole a few of your mom’s vintage Pucci dresses from her closet over Thanksgiving and now wear them to cocktail parties。 Or maybe you just keep bringing up that story about how you used to be friends with Hollywood’s latest It Girl。
The point is; things that seemed same…old in high school take on a shiny newness in college。 That rule applies to the people in our lives; too。 Which is why I; for one; can’t say I’m surprised that S and N were spotted getting hot and heavy in a darkened corner of the Bass suite at the Tribeca Star on New Year’s Eve。 So why was N seen leaving S’s Perry Street abode at the ungodly hour of 9 a。m。 on New Year’s Day?
the walk of shame
N’s walk home reminds me: It’s time for a refresher course on graceful exits from overnight arrangements。 While it may not be on the official college syllabus; the walk of shame is a test everyone must plete at least once。 You’re practically guaranteed to run into someone you know。 So hold your head up high; and remind yourself that they’re strolling the campus at 8 a。m。 on a Sunday; too。
V and her boyfriend H having brunch at Egg; the inexplicably popular breakfast joint in Williamsburg; throwing around phrases like development exec and gross points。 Could V be making the move to the big time? And will any of us be invited to make cameo appearances? Better get ready for your close…up! S at Doma; the coffee shop near her apartment; reading The New Yorker and looking forlorn—until she flipped a page; and her face lit up。 Maybe poetry is good for the soul。 A very drunk D and a ruddy…faced older Irish man at a pub on Upper Broadway; noisily reciting Joyce。 Poetry may be good for their souls too; but can they keep it down?
your e…mail
q: Dear Gossip Girl;
Hello。 I’m a sous chef at the restaurant of an exclusive downtown hotel; and we’ve been getting quite a few room service requests from the same patron。 I was curious; so yesterday I delivered the order myself。 She’s very beautiful; but looks very sad。 How do I let her know that I would be happy to hang out while she eats her omelet without seeming creepy?
a: Dear Top Chef;
I hate to disappoint you; but if you’re talking about the same tragic brunette beauty I know; I think what she needs right now is some time to herself。 If you’d like to do something for her; I suggest a plementary order of cheese fries; onion rings; or any other too…bad…to…order foods all girls secretly love。
q: Dear Gossip Girl;
I can’t wait to get to college。 Or at least get a college boyfriend。 Should I graduate early? Show up at my sister’s campus; even though she never invites me? Advice please!
a: Dear Mature;
While it’s always admirable to aspire to a position greater than the one you currently occupy; why the rush? High school may seem tedious; and your uniforms may seem tacky。 But trust me; you’ll miss it when it’s over。
q: Dear Gossip Girl;
My girlfriend and I are visiting her hometown; and she’s been acting kind of strange。 She hasn’t introduced me to any of her old friends from high school。 It’s like she’s trying to hide something。 What do you think?
—New Boy
a: Dear NB;
There are a few possible explanations: Maybe she’s shy。 Maybe she’s hiding some skeletons in her closet。 Maybe she just wants to keep you all to herself。 Or maybe she just doesn’t want to introduce a paranoid weirdo to her friends。
theory in action
In literary theory; a liminal space is somewhere in between—a place that’s neither here nor there。 I think it’s safe to say we’re at a liminal space in our lives: We’re not teenagers; but we’re not quite adults。 At times we’re being chastised by our parents for not calling; at others; we’re starting internships at panies we might want to work for someday; in our real; adult lives。 My advice: Instead of worrying about who you were or what you’ll bee; try to just enjoy the moment。
You know you love me;
gossip girl
boys should always ask for directions
Nate lumbered into the kitchen of his town house Friday morning; in search of food。 His raging booze and pot hangover had finally dissipated enough for him to roll out of bed。 He felt disgusting; like one of the frogs that lived at the bottom of the pond at Deep Springs。
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...