


d on and not Coffey or one of you men。 And speaking of your men; Paul; will they all tell the same story?〃

〃Yes; sir;〃 I told him。 〃And they will;〃 I said to Jan; starting in on the soup she brought to the table。 〃Ill see to it。〃

〃You did lie;〃 she said。 〃You lied to Hal。〃

Well; thats a wife for you; isnt it? Always poking around for moth…holes in your best suit; and finding one more often than not。

〃I guess; if you want to look at it that way。 I didnt tell him anything we both wont be able to live with; though。 Hals in the clear; I think。 He wasnt even there; after all。 He was home tending his wife until Curtis called him。〃

〃Did he say how Melinda was?〃

〃Not then; there wasnt time; but we spoke again just as Brutal and I were leaving。 Melly doesnt remember much; but shes fine。 Up and walking。 Talking about next years flower beds。〃

My wife sat watching me eat for some little time。 Then she asked; 〃Does Hal know its a miracle; Paul? Does he understand that?〃

〃Yes。 We all do; all of us that were there。〃

〃Part of me wishes Id been there; too;〃 she said; 〃but I think most of me is glad I wasnt。 If Id seen the scales fall from Sauls eyes on the road to Damascus。 I probably would have died of a heart attack。〃

〃Naw;〃 I said; tilting my bowl to capture the last spoonful; 〃probably would have cooked him some soup。 This is pretty fine; hon。〃

〃Good。〃 But she wasnt really thinking about soup or cooking or Sauls conversion on the Damascus road。 She was looking out the window toward the ridges; her chin propped on her hand; her eyes as hazy as those ridges look on summer mornings when its going to be hot。 Summer mornings like the one when the Detterick girls had been found; I thought for no reason。 I wondered why they hadnt screamed。

Their killer had hurt them; there had been blood on the porch; and on the steps。 So why hadnt they screamed?

〃You think John Coffey really killed that man Wharton; dont you?〃 Janice asked; looking back from the window at last。 〃Not that it was an accident; or anything like that; you think he used Percy Wetmore on Wharton like a gun。〃



〃I dont know。

〃Tell me again about what happened when you took Coffey off the Mile; would you? Just that part。〃

So I did。 I told her how the skinny arm shooting out from between the bars and grabbing John s bicep had reminded me of a snake…one of the water moccasins we were all scared of when we were kids swimming in the river … and how Coffey had said Wharton was a bad man。 Almost whispering it。

〃And Wharton said 。。。 ?〃 My wife was looking out the window again; but she was listening; all right。

〃Wharton said; Thats right; nigger; bad as youd want。; 〃

〃And thats all。〃

〃Yes。 I had a feeling that something was going to happen right then; but nothing did。 Brutal took Whartons hand off John and told him to lie down; which Wharton did。 He was out on his feet to start with。 Said something about how niggers should have their own electric chair; and that was all。 We went about our business。〃

〃John Coffey called him a bad man。〃

〃Yep。 Said the same thing about Percy once; too。 Maybe more than once。 I cant remember exactly when; but I know he did。〃

〃But Wharton never did anything to John Coffey personally; did he? Like he did to Percy; I mean。〃

〃No。 The way their cells were … Wharton up by the duty desk on one side; John down a ways on the other … they could hardly see each other。〃



赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...














