


The sound was a sharp snap; like a breaking branch。 Dean gasped。 Percy stared at me in utter shock; his eyes so wide they looked as if they must fall out of their sockets。 His mouth opened and closed; opened and closed; like the mouth of a fish in an aquarium tank。

〃Shut up and listen to me;〃 I said。 〃You deserved to be punished for what you did to Del; and we gave you what you deserved。 This was the only way we could do it。 We all agreed; except for Dean; and hell go along with us; because well make him sorry if he doesnt。 Isnt that so; Dean?〃

〃Yes;〃 Dean whispered。 He was milk…pale。 〃Guess it is。〃

〃And well make you sorry you were ever born;〃

I went on。 〃Well see that people know about how you sabotaged the Delacroix execution … 〃


〃how you almost got Dean killed。 Well blab enough to keep you out of almost any job your uncle can get you。〃

Percy was shaking his head furiously。 He didnt believe that; perhaps couldnt believe that。 My handprint stood out on his pale cheek like a fortune…tellers sign。

〃And no matter what; wed see you beaten within an inch of your life。 We wouldnt have to do it ourselves。 We know people; too; Percy; are you so foolish you dont realize that? They arent up in the state capital; but they still know how to legislate certain matters。 These are people who have friends in here; people who have brothers in here; people who have fathers in here。 Theyd be happy to amputate the nose or the penis of a shitheels like you。 Theyd do it just so someone they care for could get an extra three hours in the exercise yard each week。〃

Percy had stopped shaking his head。 Now he was only staring。 Tears stood in his eyes; but didnt fall。 I think they were tears of rage and frustration。 Or maybe I just hoped they were。

〃Okay … now look on the sunny side; Percy。 Your lips sting a little from having the tape pulled off them; I imagine; but otherwise theres nothing hurt but your pride 。。。 and nobody needs to know about that but the people in this room right now。 And well never tell; will we; boys?〃

They shook their heads。 〃Course not;〃 Brutal said。 〃Green Mile business stays on the Green Mile。 Always has。〃

〃Youre going on to Briar Ridge and were going to leave you alone until you go;〃 I said。 〃Do you want to leave it at that; Percy; or do you want to play hardball with us?〃

There was a long; long silence as he considered。

I could almost see the wheels turning in his head as he tried out and rejected possible counters。 And at last; I think a more basic truth must have overwhelmed the rest of his calculations: the tape was off his mouth; but he was still wearing the straitjacket and probably he had to piss like a racehorse。

〃All right;〃 he said。 〃Well consider the matter closed。 Now get me out of this coat。 It feels like my shoulders are … 〃

Brutal stepped forward; shouldering me aside; and grabbed Percys face with one big hand … fingers denting in Percys right cheek; thumb making a deep dimple in his left。

〃In a few seconds;〃 he said。 〃First; you listen to me。 Paul here is the big boss; and so he has to talk elegant sometimes。〃

I tried to remember anything elegant I mightve said to Percy and couldnt e up with much。 Still; I thought it might be best to keep my mouth shut; Percy looked suitably terrorized; and I didnt want to spoil the effect。

〃People dont always understand that being elegant isnt the same as being soft; and thats where I e in。 I dont worry about being elegant。 I just say things straight out。 So here it is; straight out: if you go back on your promise; well most likely take an ass…fucking。 But then well find you … if we have to go all the way to Russia; well find you … and we will fuck you; not just up the ass but in every hole you own。 Well fuck you until youll wish you were dead; and then well rub vinegar in the parts that are bleeding。 Do you understand me?〃

He nodded。 With Brutals hand digging into the soft sides of his face the way it was; Percy looked eerily like Old Toot…Toot。

Brutal let go of him and stepped back。 I nodded to Harry; who went behind Percy and started unsnapping and unbuckling。

〃Keep it in mind; Percy;〃 Harry said。 〃Keep it in mind and let bygones be bygones。〃

All of it suitably scary; three bogeymen in bluesuits … but I felt a kind of knowing despair sweep through me; all the same。 He might keep quiet for a day or a week; continuing to calculate the odds on various actions; but in the end two things … his belief in his connections and his inability to walk away from a situation where he saw himself as the loser would bine。 When that happened; he would spill his guts。 We had perhaps helped to save Melly Mooress life by taking John to her; and I wouldnt have changed that (〃not for all the tea in China;〃 as we used to say back in those days); but in the end we were going to hit the canvas and the ref was going to count us out。 Short of murder; there was no way we could make Percy keep his end of the bargain; not once he was away from us and had started to get back what passed for his guts。

I took a little sidelong glance at Brutal and saw he knew this; too。 Which didnt surprise me。 There were no flies on Mrs。 Howells boy Brutus; never had been。 He gave me a tiny shrug; just one shoulder lifting an inch and then dropping; but it was enough。 So what? that shrug said。 What else is there; Paul? We did what we had to do; and we did it the best we could。



赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...














