


her head? Like it was a 。。。 a peach…pit?〃

〃I think he could。 Its not for sure; of course; but after what he did to me 。。。 and to Mr。 Jingles 。 。 。〃

〃That mouse was seriously busted up; all right;〃 Brutal said。

〃But would he do it?〃 Harry mused。 〃Would he?〃

〃If he can; he will;〃 I said。

〃Why? Coffey doesnt even know her!〃

〃Because its what he does。 Its what God made him for。〃

Brutal made a show of looking around; reminding us all that someone was missing。 〃What about Percy? You think hes just gonna let this go down?〃 he asked; and so I told them what I had in mind for Percy By the time I finished; Harry and Dean were looking at me in amazement; and a reluctant grin of admiration had dawned on Brutals face。

〃Pretty audacious; Brother Paul!〃 he said。 〃Fair takes my breath away!〃

〃But wouldnt it be the bees knees!〃 Dean almost whispered; then laughed aloud and clapped his hands like a child。 〃I mean; voh…doh…dee…oh…doh and twenty…three…skidoo!〃 You want to remember that Dean had a special interest in the part of my plan that involved Percy … Percy … Percy could have gotten Dean killed; after all; freezing up the way he had。

〃Yeah; but what about after?〃 Harry said。 He sounded gloomy; but his eyes gave him away; they were sparkling; the eyes of a man who wants to be convinced。 〃What then?〃

〃They say dead men tell no tales;〃 Brutal rumbled; and I took a quick look at him to make sure he was joking。

〃I think hell keep his mouth shut;〃 I said。

〃Really?〃 Dean looked skeptical。 He took off his glasses and began to polish them。 〃Convince me。〃

〃First; he wont know what really happened … hes going to judge us by himself and think it was just a prank。 Second … and more important … hell be afraid to say anything。 Thats what Im really counting on。 We tell him that if he starts writing letters and making phone calls; we start writing letters and making phone calls。〃

〃About the execution;〃 Harry said。

〃And about the way he froze when Wharton attacked Dean;〃 Brutal said。 〃I think people finding out about that is what Percy Wetmores really afraid of。〃 He nodded slowly and thoughtfully。 〃It could work。 But Paul。。。 wouldnt it make more sense to bring Mrs。 Moores to Coffey than Coffey to Mrs。 Moores? We could take care of Percy pretty much the way you laid it out; then bring her in through the tunnel instead of taking Coffey out that way。〃

I shook my head。 〃Never happen。 Not in a million years。〃

〃Because of Warden Moores?〃

〃Mats right。 Hes so hardheaded he makes old Doubting Thomas look like Joan of Arc。 If we bring Coffey to his house; I think we can surprise him into at least letting Coffey make the try。 Otherwise。。。〃

〃What were you thinking about using for a vehicle?〃 Brutal asked。

〃My first thought was the stagecoach;〃 I said; 〃but wed never get it out of the yard without being noticed; and everyone within a twenty…mile radius knows what it looks like; anyway。 I guess maybe we can use my Ford。〃

〃Guess again;〃 Dean said; popping his specs back onto his nose。 〃You couldnt get John Coffey into your car if you stripped him naked; covered him with lard; and used a shoehorn。 Youre so used to looking at him that youve forgotten how big he is。〃

I had no reply to that。 Most of my attention that morning had been focused on the problem of Percy … and the lesser but not inconsiderable problem of Wild Bill Wharton。 Now I realized that transportation wasnt going to be as simple as I had hoped。

Harry Terwilliger picked up the remains of his second sandwich; looked at it for a second; then put it down again。 〃If we was to actually do this crazy thing;〃 he said; 〃I guess we could use my pickup truck。 Sit him in the back of that。 Wouldnt be nobody much on the roads at that hour。 Were talking about well after midnight; aint we?〃

〃Yes;〃 I said。



赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...














