


fection which had so troubled my life in the fall of 1932 … the fall of John Coffey; Percy Wetmore; and Mr。 Jingles; the trained mouse。

The fall of William Wharton; it had been; too。

〃Paul!〃 Elaine cried; and hurried over to me hurried as fast as the rusty nails and ground glass in her hips would allow; anyway。 〃Paul; whats wrong?〃

〃Ill be all right;〃 I said; but the words didnt sound very convincing … they came out all uneven; through teeth that wanted to chatter。 〃Just give me a minute or two; Ill be right as rain。〃

She sat next to me and put her arm around my shoulders。 〃Im sure;〃 she said。 〃But what happened? For heavens sake; Paul; you look like you saw a ghost。〃

I did; I thought; and didnt realize until her eyes widened that Id said it out loud。

〃Not really。〃 I said; and patted her hand (gently … so gently!)。 〃But for a minute。 Elaine God!〃

〃Was it from the time when you were a guard at the prison?〃 she asked。 〃The time that youve been writing about in the solarium?〃

I nodded。 〃I worked on our version of Death Row … 〃

〃I know … 〃

〃Only we called it the Green Mile。 Because of the linoleum on the floor。 In the fall of 32; we got this fellow … we got this wildman … named William Wharton。 Liked to think of himself as Billy the Kid; even had it tattooed on his arm。 Just a kid; but dangerous。 I can still remember what Curtis Anderson … he was the assistant warden back in those days … wrote about him。 Crazy…wild and proud of it。 Wharton is nieen years old; and he just doesnt care。 Hed underlined that part。〃

The hand which had gone around my shoulders was now rubbing my back。 I was beginning to calm。 In that moment I loved Elaine Connelly; and could have kissed her all over her face as I told her so。 Maybe I should have。 Its terrible to be alone and frightened at any age; but I think its worst when youre old。 But I had this other thing on my mind; this load of old and still unfinished business。

〃Anyway;〃 I said; 〃youre right…Ive been scribbling about how Wharton came on the block and almost killed Dean Stanton … One of the guys I worked with back then … when he did。〃

〃How could he do that?〃 Elaine asked。

〃Meanness and carelessness;〃 I said grimly。 〃Wharton supplied the meanness; and the guards who brought him in supplied the carelessness。 The real mistake was Whartons wrist…chain … it was a little too long。 When Dean unlocked the door to E Block; Wharton was behind him。 There were guards on either side of him; but Anderson was right … Wild Billy just didnt care about such things。 He dropped that wrist…chain down over Deans head and started choking him with it。〃

Elaine shuddered。

〃Anyway; I got thinking about all that and couldnt sleep; so I came down here。 I turned on AMC; thinking you might e down and wed have us a little date…〃

She laughed and kissed my forehead just above the eyebrow。 It used to make me prickle all over when Janice did that; and it still made me prickle all over when Elaine did it early this morning。 I guess some things dont ever change。

〃…and what came on was this old black…and…white gangster movie from the forties。 Kiss of Death; its called。〃

I could feel myself wanting to start shaking again and tried to suppress it。

〃Richard Widmarks in it;〃 I said。 〃It was his first big part; I think。 I never went to see it with Jan … we gave the cops and robbers a miss; usually … but I remember reading somewhere that Widmark gave one hell of a performance as the punk。 He sure did。 Hes pale 。。。 doesnt seem to walk so much as go gliding around 。。。 hes always calling people squirt 。 。 。 talking about squealers how much he hates the squealers 。 。 !〃

I was starting to shiver again in spite of my best efforts。 I just couldnt help it。

〃Blond hair;〃 I whispered。 〃Lank blond hair。 I watched until the part where he pushed this old woman in a wheelchair down a flight of stairs; then I turned it off。〃

〃He reminded you of Wharton?〃

〃He was Wharton;〃 I said。 〃To the life!〃

〃Paul! she began; and stopped。 She looked at the blank screen of the TV (the cable box on top of it was still on; the red numerals still showing 10; the number of the AMC channel); then back at me。

〃What?〃 I asked。 What; Elaine?〃 Thinking; Shes going to tell; me I ought to quit writing about it。 That I ought to tear up the pages Ive written so far and just quit on it。

What she said was 〃Dont let this stop you!〃

I gawped at her。



赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...














