


lly sound and to be a real benefit to the poorer classes; it might prove a useful model for some analogous system of settlement from the United Kingdom to the Colonies。

It is the desire of the Rhodes Trustees that the missioner should be nominated by and report to the Secretary of State for the Colonies。

I should be very glad if you would consent to do the work; for which your experience as an observer both of men and agricultural affairs so eminently qualifies you。 The remuneration is not very great; but the interest of the question to which the inquiry will relate and the public service which the missioner will be able to do may induce you; I hope; to undertake it。

If you go; you would in the first place be put into munication with the Salvation Army authorities。 Mr。 Booth Tucker; who mands their United States branch; considers that the missioner should start as early in the year as practicable; because he would have better opportunities of seeing the settlers and talking with them before the more strenuous agricultural operations have menced。

I should therefore be obliged if you would be so good as to let me know in a few days whether you will be able and willing to go; and if so; whether you could start in February。

Yours faithfully;

Alfred Lyttelton。

H。 Rider Haggard; Esq。

I extract the following passage from my answer:

I thank you for your letter and the pliment you have paid me。 I accept your invitation to undertake this mission; especially as the subject is one that interests me very much; indeed I was speaking on a branch of it at the meeting at York last week of which Mr。 Seebohm Rowntree was chairman。 。 。 。 I understand that I shall receive my appointment as missioner and my instructions from you as Secretary of State; not from the Rhodes Trustees; and that it will be so gazetted。

Shortly after I received a letter from Mr。 Lyttelton’s secretary; Mr。 Graham; which I print to show what were the exact terms of my instructions。

Downing Street: January 31; 1905。

Sir; — I am directed by Mr。 Secretary Lyttelton to inform you that he has nominated you to be a missioner to proceed to the United States; and to inspect and to report to him upon the conditions and character of the Agricultural and Industrial Settlements which have been established there by the Salvation Army; with a view to the transmigration of suitable persons from the great cities of the United States to the land and the formation of Agricultural munities。

2。 It appears to the Secretary of State that; if these experiments are found to be successful; some analogous system might with great advantage be applied in transferring the urban populations of the United Kingdom to different parts of the British Empire。

3。 You should pay special attention to the class of persons taken by the Salvation Army; their training and success as agricultural settlers; and the general effect upon character and social happiness; you should also consider the financial aspects of the experiments。

4。 It would be desirable that; after you have inspected the several Settlements; you should proceed to Ottawa and discuss the subject with Lord Grey; who has taken great interest in it; as well as with such local authorities as may be indicated to you by the Governor…General as likely to aid you with advice and assistance as to the application of the system in a British Colony。

5。 The Rhodes Trustees; with whom the suggestion of the Inquiry originated; and by whom Mr。 Lyttelton has been asked to nominate a missioner; have made a grant of 300 pounds; including all travel expenses; to meet the cost of the Inquiry。

I am; Sir;

Your obedient servant;

Fred。 Graham。

H。 Rider Haggard; Esq。

I remember that when I went to see the Colonial Secretary to receive his verbal instructions before sailing; by some accident I missed the right entrance to the Colonial Office and finally obtained admission through a little back…door。 At the time this circumstance struck me as curiously emblematic of my position。 For after a cessation of twenty…six years was I not once again entering the official service of my country through a back…door; by means of this unexpected mission with which I was now honoured?









赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...








