


“I am glad to find that my view as regards the Transvaal should be endorsed by one who had such good opportunities of judging as yourself”; and again:


Dear Mr。 Haggard; — I am very much obliged to you for your extremely interesting book on Cetewayo。 I have been so engaged with the accumulations of eight months’ business and with all the hundred and one questions which arise on our return to England that I have only been able to look at those parts which most closely interested me personally from their relation to events in which I was myself concerned; but I read these with great satisfaction。 The English public was so deceived by misrepresentations of the annexation of the Transvaal that the real history was never understood; and the humiliating surrender of it was accepted in partial ignorance at least of the facts。 A true statement of it is therefore very valuable; and I am grateful to anyone who has the courage to say what really did occur。 It was as needless as it was discreditable; and though the unexpected discovery of gold is solving many difficulties; the unworthy nature of the cession has done great mischief to all time。 I hope I may have the opportunity of talking about this to you。

Believe me;

Very faithfully yours;


I gladly quote an extract from a letter written by Sir Marshal Clarke from Basutoland; since it tempers my criticisms of Sir Hercules Robinson (Lord Rosmead); a gentleman of whom I have the most kindly personal recollections。 He says; referring to this book:

I don’t think you have done quite justice to Sir Hercules Robinson。 He appears to me to have been the right man for the place and for the time。 He is not a very popular Governor; but his opinions carry great weight here as well as at home; he had a very difficult position at first — one of his principal difficulties arose from the impossibility of foreseeing how far his views would be supported at home — and while he appears to me to have acted with unswerving loyalty; his influence has done much to mitigate antipathies of races and to maintain our character for fair dealing with whites and blacks。

I also received letters from the late Lord Lytton; Lord Randolph Churchill; and others。

Except for any influence it may have had upon certain leading minds and organs of opinion; the book at this time proved a total failure。 At this date (1883) an eager public had absorbed one hundred and fifty…four copies of the work。 Say Messrs。 Trubner:

You will no doubt consider the account a most unsatisfactory one; as we do; seeing that we are out of pocket to the extent of 82 pounds 15s。; 5d。 Against this; of course; we hold the 50 pounds advanced by you; but we fear that we are never likely to recover the balance; 32 pounds 15s。 5d。

As it happens; however; Messrs。 Trubner did in the end recover their 32 pounds。 When I became known through other works of a different character the edition sold out。 Perhaps the public bought it thinking it was a novel; at any rate; I have e across a letter from a melancholy youth who made that mistake。

Since that time there have been other and cheaper editions; and in 1899; at the time of the Boer War; that part of the book that deals with the Transvaal was republished at one shilling and sold to the extent of some thirty thousand copies。

To this day there is a certain demand for the book。 That it has already been extensively used by writers dealing with this epoch of African affairs in works of reference and elsewhere I have reason to know; although these have not always acknowledged the source of their information and judgments。

So it es about that my only effort as an historian was not made in vain; although at first it seemed futile and fruitless enough。 I may add that certain prophecies set down in its pages in 1882 have since that time been remarkably fulfilled。

If they 'i。e。 those who direct the destinies of the Empire' do not 'take certain steps alluded to above' it is now quite within the bounds of possibility that they may one day have to face a fresh Transvaal rebellion; only on a ten times larger scale。

And again:

Unless they 'i。e。 South African problems' are treated with more honest intelligence; and on a more settled plan than it has hitherto been thought necessary to apply to them; the British taxpayer will find that he has by no means heard the last of that country and its wars。

Some twenty years after I wrote these words England did have to face a Transvaal war on a ten times larger scale; and the British taxpayer did hear that he was called upon to pay a bill of some three hundred millions sterling。 Also about twenty thousand of our countrymen; among them a young nephew of my own; were summoned to lay down their lives on the African veld。 Such was the cost to the Empire of the reversal of Sir Theophilus Shepstone’s policy in the interests of an English political party。

Whilst we were at Norwood a little incident occurred which resulted in my being a writer of fiction。 At the church which my wife and I attended we saw sitting near us one Sunday a singularly beautiful and pure…faced young lady。 Afterwards we agreed that this semi…divine creature — on whom to the best of my knowledge I have never set eyes again from that day to this — ought to bee the heroine of a novel。 So then and there we took paper; and each of us began to write the said novel。 I think that after she had pleted two or three folio sheets my wife ceased from her fictional labours。 But; growing interested; I continued mine; which resulted in the story called “Dawn。”

Years afterwards; in 1894 indeed; on the occasion of the issue of one of the numerous editions of that tale; I inserted the following little dedication:

















